“No. It’s a part of your life. Part I wasn’t there for.” I give her hip a squeeze. “I want to know.” She breathes out like she’s been holding it in for a while.
“We met on Tinder, did you know that?” I shake my head - though I’m not surprised. While I’ve ventured onto the app a few times since my divorce, it was nowhere near the use my friends made of it while rotating between bars in Austin during college. “We didn’t really publicize that, it would have given his family more ammunition against us.” Her eyes tip toward my ceiling, and I can tell that even mentioning his family has her guard up. “That version of Piper was so…” She shudders. “Basic.”
I can’t help the surprised laugh that bubbles out of my mouth. Of all the words I thought she may use to describe herself, basic is not one of them.
“A basic Piper?” I touch my free hand to my chest, and she bats it away.
“I was! Seriously. I just…I wanted to fit in so badly, and once Mickey paid an ounce of attention to me and I was part of this little group that Alex, Nolan, Brett, and Penny had, I basically did anything I could to stay a part of that. And I know,I knowthat Alex and Penny would never have abandoned me if we hadn’t worked out.” She swallows, tilting her head to the side a bit as she glances around the room, still propped up on one elbow. “I did whatever it took to stay with Mickey, even if it meant looking past shit I should have walked away from.”
“And what about Piper 4.0?” I ask, trying to get her away from a subject that was clearly touching a nerve. Her expression immediately changed and she let out a dry laugh.
“You mean raging drunk Piper?” She snorts to herself, and Bex starts, staring up at us. Piper just continues to scratch her head. “Piper 4.0 is a time in my life I’d love to forget.”
“What was that saying?” I touch the spot on her stomach where I know the words are etched, and a small smile forms on her lips.
“It took a lot of changes to get to this version of Piper, Fitz.” And when she says my name, so close to hers, something jumps in my chest. I feel my lips tip up at the corners. “What?” she asks, and I use my free hand to scoop Bex away, pulling Piper into my lap until she’s straddling me. She makes a surprised yelp that has Roscoe jumping up, ready to save her, but I wave him away.
From every angle, Piper is gorgeous, but this may be one of my favorites. Because even though I can tell she’s a little uncomfortable, which I’ll have to dig into later, the way her hands grip onto the back of the couch on either side of my head tells me she enjoys being in a position of power. And I’m more than willing to let her be.
“I know this isn’t the same version of you I knew all those years ago,” she says softly as my hands travel to her stomach, across the bare skin below her sweatshirt, up, up. My eyes widen when I reach her bare chest, and she lets out a musical little laugh. “Piper 5.0 was tired of wearing a bra for the day.” With her sweatshirt nearly around her neck, I cup each breast, taking one into my mouth and sucking on it until she lets out a little satisfied moan. I do the same to the other, until she’s rocking in my lap against the erection I’m sporting between us.
With more grace than I’d expected, she lifts the sweatshirt over her head until she’s topless on my lap, and I feel the grin on my face before she even reacts to it.
“I approve of this new Piper,” I mutter as she arches her back, pulling the clip out of her hair and letting her curls fall around her face.
Goddess. This woman was a fucking Grecian goddess, sitting on my lap, moving against my full hard-on like she owns me.
Maybe she does.
“New Piper just remembered something.” Her eyes find mine, and I know I’m in for it with the fire blazing behind them. “And how could I have forgotten? How silly of me.” She trails one of her fingernails down my arm, eliciting the shudder she knew would happen, before leaning forward and letting me bury my face in her chest.
“Silly,” I echo, though it comes out a little garbled against her nipple. I have no idea what she’s forgotten, but it can’t be more interesting than this.
“I told you I’d show you just how excited I am for that gala.” I rip my attention away from the sight in front of me to look at her face, which is mischievous and a little scary. She throws the blanket back to the other side of the couch and uses the leather back behind me to scoot away, until she's standing between my legs.
Behind her, previews are still playing on my wall, but I don’t see any of them as she braces herself on the low coffee table and slips out of those skin tight leggings.
Any restraint I’ve had immediately goes out the window, with her silhouette outlined by the light behind her. Every curve, every curl. I reach forward, but she bats my hand away.
“Manners,Fitzwilliam. Let a lady finish her thought first.” Before I can pout, because Christ I just need my hands on her, she settles on her knees in front of me, right between my legs, and any complaint dies on my tongue.
Piper fists her hand in my shirt and uses it to pull me toward her, so aggressively I’m caught off-guard, and when she kisses me it’s like we’re right back downstairs in my bedroom last weekend. Her hands find either side of my shirt, and she yanks it over my head. I fall back against the couch with a huff, watching her fingers trace up my thighs and feeling every agonizing inch toward my waistband.
“Piper,” I rasp out, but she shakes her head, hitching under each side of the elastic. I lift my hips, and she pulls my pants and boxers down in one movement, leaving us both completely naked in the middle of my media room.
I don’t know that I’ve ever doneanythingin this room before. Or in the kitchen, prior to last weekend. Or anywhere outside of my bedroom, for that matter. And the thought has me wanting to christen every surface in this house with the woman in front of me.
As if in agreement, my cock twitches between us, and Piper tries to stifle a giggle.
“Someone’s happy to see me.” Before I can give her the sarcasticHe’s not the only one, her soft hand reaches forward and gives a delicate stroke that sizzles through my entire body. This time, she does giggle when my hips launch off the cool leather below me, and she takes that opportunity to swallow half of me between those full lips of hers.
I can’t help my groan at the wet warmth of her mouth, her soft lips around me, moving with her hand. I watch, mesmerized, when she swallows me whole without a second of hesitation, and without a gag.
“Fuck, baby.” I push a curl out of her face, those blue eyes twinkling when her mouth lets me go with a softpop.
“You didn’t think I was kidding, did you?”
She’s trying to fucking kill me.