“Thank you, si—Andre,” Alec corrected himself quickly. “But I really don’t think I went above and beyond. I did what I had to do, that’s all. That’s all any man can do.”

The king merely smiled. “So,” he said pleasantly, “where do you go from here? I understand you have been posted all over the world. Other than your own country—and I truly believe every man loves his own country best—is there anyplace you have been posted that particularly appeals to you?”

“Not to sound as if I’m—” sucking up is what he’d been about to say, but he decided it really wasn’t appropriate “—trying to flatter you,” he settled for. “But Zakhar is far and away the most beautiful, the most peaceful place I’ve lived in the past eighteen years, except my home in Colorado. Recent events notwithstanding.”

The king’s eyes gleamed. “So you could see yourself living here...indefinitely?”

“When I first found out I was being posted to Zakhar, I thought I was being rewarded for something, and I still feel that way.” He chuckled. “Your sister told me one of the reasons she loves Colorado is that it reminds her of Zakhar. I’m just the reverse. I love Zakhar partly because the mountains here remind me of the Colorado Rockies. So it won’t be a hardship to stay here until my next transfer.”

“Ah, yes,” the king said. “About that...let me ask you a question, Alec. And before you answer, I would like you to consider everything very carefully.” He steepled his fingers and held them to his lips for a moment, as if he wanted to choose his words wisely.

“Given your stellar accomplishments here, I would not be surprised if a promotion were offered you sometime in the next twelve months. You could accept that promotion, accept relocation to someplace else in the world. Your performance in your new location could easily lead to another promotion a few years down the road. That would not surprise me, either. You have intrinsic leadership qualities, qualities that cannot be taught. They must come from within.”

Slightly embarrassed, Alec felt compelled to say, “Thank you.”

“As I said, you could accept that next promotion, and put in motion a chain of events, the ultimate outcome of which cannot be predicted. Or,” he said, his voice dropping a notch, “you can accept your government’s appointment as the RSO here for the remainder of your career. Until you retire in the normal course of things.”

When Alec just stared at him, the king said, “I have already broached the possibility with the president of the United States. I have offered in exchange unrestricted use of the missile bases your government has here for a reduced fee, for as long as you are the RSO.”

“What?” Probably not the most diplomatic of responses, but Alec was too stunned to say anything else.

“Nothing has been formalized, you understand,” the king was quick to point out. “Nothing can be unless you give your assent to the agreement. But your president seemed...amenable.” The king smiled as if he couldn’t help it. “Eager is perhaps a better word. He is sure a deal can be worked out that will be mutually beneficial to all parties concerned.”

The first thing Alec thought of was Angelina. Of how his staying in Zakhar permanently would affect the two of them. He’d never be reassigned, and he wouldn’t have to sacrifice his honor to stay here. He would still be able to keep the vow he’d made to Angelina and to himself—this stops here.

He could author a case study based on his experience at the US embassy in Drago, pointing out the danger signs for other embassies to watch for—not just US embassies but those of their allies, as well—and how to prevent what had happened here from happening anywhere else. He could be a guest lecturer—not just at the DSS training center in DC, but everywhere women were at risk.

And he could be an advocate within the DSS for a stronger focus on fighting human trafficking, not just in Zakhar, but around the world.

Then there were the children he’d reluctantly acknowledged he would never have—could never have—because he could never allow himself to be an absentee father. Now he wouldn’t be. Now children were back in the realm of possibility. Children Angelina wanted as much as he did.

“What do you get out of this?” Alec asked abruptly, needing a moment to consider this incredible offer. To figure out exactly what it meant for everyone concerned, not just for him. And why it was being offered. “What’s in it for you? For Zakhar?”

The king smiled his faint smile. “Zakhar gets an incorruptible man at the US embassy. And after the two previous RSOs—corrupt men who made possible a terrible crime against the women of Zakhar—that is not a small thing.”