Page 119 of Unravelling The Beast

I lift the empty suitcase onto my bed and unzip it while she speaks.

"What's the matter, Wren? You sound strange."

"I'm fine; I was just wondering what you've been up to."

I start packing the suitcase, stuffing everything I can into it and not folding anything.

"Well, I've just been hanging out with Jasper, and I'm seeing him tonight."

I hesitate and momentarily close my eyes, thinking about how I'm going to stop this, but she speaks before I do.

"I was thinking we could go on a double date with Arlo and Jasper one day."

I groan with an eye roll and then answer.

"If you hadn't noticed, Lil, Arlo isn't that type of guy."

“True. I had no idea you liked the dark, dominant, and mysterious types, but damn, he's hot too, exactly like his brother."

I place my thumb against my temple, my eyelids clenched tight.

"I'm not sure how to say it, Lil, but neither of us can be near them. They're involved in far too much crazy bullshit."


I continue firmly.

"I'm serious, Lil; you can't see Jasper anymore, and I'm leaving Arlo's house today."

“Why? What the hell is going on?"

As I respond, I proceed to stuff my belongings into the suitcase.

"It's a complicated story that I don't have time to explain right now. I'll call you later when I get home to tell you, but can you please promise that you’ll stay home tonight?"

Now she answers with concern.

"Wren, you're scaring me."

"I'm sorry, I don't want to scare you, but could you please, please promise me?"

She is silent for some time, then sighs before speaking again.


I expressed my relief.

“Thank you! I love you, baby, sis. I’ll call you soon!”

I hang up quickly so she doesn't ask any more questions, and then I close up my suitcase. I pull it off the bed and drag it down the hall while dialing Sara's phone number.

As I bump it down the stairs, she responds, and I try to keep my voice calm and controlled so she doesn't suspect anything is wrong.


"Hey, Sara. How are you doing?"

"I’m good. How about you?"