Page 83 of Fire Daddies

“Damn right,” Antonio agrees, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “We’ll make sure of that.”

“Harper,” Benedict says, leaning against the counter next to me with a thoughtful expression on his face, “why don’t Antonio and I take you shopping? We can help you find gifts for everyone.”

I glance at him, considering his suggestion. Having their assistance would surely make the whole process easier, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’m imposing on their time. As much as I want their help, I don’t want to burden them. “That’s really sweet of you guys,” I say hesitantly. “But what about the kids? What would we do with them?”

“What if Hudson takes the kids to the fire station Christmas event? They’d have a blast, and you wouldn’t have to worry about them.”

I pause, spatula in hand, considering the idea. It’s true that the kids would love it, but I don’t want to impose on Hudson. “I don’t know, Benedict…I wouldn’t want to bother him. Or you guys, on that note.”

“Trust me, Harper,” Benedict reassures me, his eyes shining confidently. “Hudson would be more than happy to spend time with the kids. Besides, he loves showing off the fire station.”

Antonio leans against the kitchen counter with a playful grin on his face. “Let him do it, Harper,” he begins, his voice low and teasing. “It’s about time Benedict and I get our turn with you. Hudson’s been hogging you, especially last night.”

My heart skips a beat, and heat rushes to my cheeks as I realize what he’s referring to—Hudson eating me out behind the kitchen island. My mind races. I thought that he was clueless, but clearly that wasn’t the case.

“Antonio!” I exclaim, shock and embarrassment lacing my voice. “I didn’t know you…I mean, I’m sorry for not realizing…”

A mischievous glint sparkles in Antonio’s eyes as he waves away my apology. “No need to be sorry, mi amor. I don’t care about that. Just remember it’s our turn next, and I can’t wait for my share.”

Heat rises to my cheeks once more, but there’s no denying the allure of his words and the promise they hold. The tension in the room is palpable, desire hanging thick in the air.

“I’m all about fairness, after all.”

The kids come bounding down the stairs, their laughter and excitement filling the kitchen, and the desire dissipates. They’re blissfully unaware of the adult conversations that were just transpiring, and I’m grateful for the distraction they provide.

“Morning, everyone!” I greet them cheerfully, pushing all thoughts of temptation and desire to the back of my mind. “Come sit down, breakfast is almost ready.”

The kids scramble into their seats, eagerly waiting for their plates. As I start serving up red velvet pancakes and sausage “snowballs,” I can’t help but notice how the three men in my life—Hudson, Antonio, and Benedict—have brought a sense of warmth and happiness not only to me but also to the children.

“Mom, these pancakes look amazing!” Peter exclaims, his eyes wide with delight.

“Thanks, honey,” I reply, smiling at his enthusiasm. “I hope they taste as good as they look.”

“What are we doing today?” Peter asks, impatiently squirming in his chair.

“Actually,” I begin, scraping cream cheese frosting onto a pancake before placing it on his plate, “Hudson is taking you all to the fire station event later today. It’ll be a lot of fun!”

“Really?” Olivia’s eyes light up with excitement. “That’s so cool!”

“Can I dress up like a fireman?” Peter asks, his voice filled with hope.

“Of course, sweetie,” I reassure him, running my hand through his unruly hair affectionately. “You’d make an excellent fireman.”

I finish up the last pancake and hand out plates to Antonio and Benedict. “Dig in, everyone! Enjoy your breakfast before the big event.”

“Mom, do you think they’ll let me ride on the firetruck?” Olivia asks, her eyes wide with wonder.

“Maybe,” I say with a wink, “but you’ll have to ask Hudson when you get there.”

“Yay!” she squeals, clapping her hands together.

“Hey, Mom?” Peter pipes up. “Can we get ice cream after the fire station?”

“Let’s see how the day goes, buddy,” I respond, ruffling his hair affectionately.

These kids deserve the best Christmas ever, and I’m going to do everything I can to give them that.