Page 7 of Rancher Daddies

“Not necessarily. His file notes that he did respond to stimulation and arousal enhancers, so a cage would have been very unpleasant. I’m sure he can get aroused and come at least some of the time, but it’s likely not as reliable as it would be for a modern submissive.”

“Poor boy,” he says, and means it. His own cock is hard, though, as he wonders what it would be like to be with a submissive who is wanting but finds it difficult to come. Someone who’s focused so much energy on making sure their Dominant is satisfied instead of themselves.

“There is… uh, something else.”

Dr. Beck is blushing, which isn’t something Sam has seen on the man before. “Go on.”

“In his contract, he gave permission for things we no longer allow.”

“Like what?”

“Internal examinations. There was a brief period of time when submissives were pretty close to property, and if the submissive allowed it, a Dominant could examine him if he was interested. He allowed that. It isn’t legally binding now, of course. The Twenty-Ninth Amendment invalidated all these contracts with the expansion of submissive rights.”

Sam pulls the sheet up to cover the man’s soft cock, not comfortable with him being on display when he’s unconscious.

“Well. We know you’re interested, which is good. We can call you when he wakes if you want?”

“I’ll wait.”

The doctor looks surprised. “Okay. I’ll make sure the nurse has the forms ready for when he wakes up.”

Sam grabs a chair and plunks it down next to the unconscious man, sits down but then stands up again so he can sit on the table instead. He needs to be closer. This close, he can stare down at him and watch him sleep. Sam’s hip is pressed against the submissive’s side.

Now that he’s agreed to spend his cycle with this submissive, he dares to reach out again. He touches his face, his hair, and brushes a finger over the man’s lips, utterly captivated by him. He’s never responded to someone so quickly. He’s achingly hard, can feel a throb at the base of his cock where his knot is, and knows this man will find himself tied to Sam’s cock again and again.

In and out of his cycle if he’s given the chance.

He might even barb him, something that he knows is possible but has not yet experienced. He knows of others like himself who barb, but Sam never has. He’s always assumed it would happen with someone he was highly compatible with. He suspects his own lust needs to be all-consuming in order to trigger his barb.

Despite how pleasurable it’s meant to be, Sam has never wanted the experience. It had always seemed rather cruel. Too selfish. He just isn’t that sadistic. Barbing makes knotting seem tame.

But this man has him thinking about it.

Barbing is the pinnacle of sexual frustration. Some submissives report not being able to feel the barbs themselves, they’re usually barely noticeable but they cause an allergic-like reaction that feels like heat and an itch that needs to be scratched. It makes a submissive partner desperate for more, a want they can’t satisfy because they’re stuck on a knot and stuffed full of cock, unable to ease the sensation. It becomes so intense that their body takes over, they spasm inside, clenching and milking their Dominant’s cock, and that’s what will trigger his own release, a full emptying of his balls and reserves… an orgasm apparently like no other in terms of duration and intensity.

It’s the frustration of his partner that biologically satisfies his own pleasure.

Barbing is a demand on a submissive’s body. It comes with discomfort and a considerable amount of sexual frustration that not a lot of submissives like outside of the very peak of their cycle. They usually only tolerate it or crave it during the height of their cycle, and that might only last a few hours. A lot of submissives will demand sheathing against barbs. Sometimes they want knot suppression, too. Sam has always respected that preference. He wouldn’t want to experience it, so of course he gets it.

There are Dominants who don’t, though. They’ll take off the sheath so they can knot a submissive or coerce their partner into allowing the barbs. It’s illegal and can be criminally prosecuted, but that’s rare. Dominants are rarely brought to justice. Most of the time, their bad acts are excused as an accident, or the submissive is accused of lying. Dominants claim that the submissives were asking to be barbed. They wanted to be taken bare and knotted. And if the submissive regrets it, that’s just part of life. What harm has really been done?

Sam finds it revolting. He’s been with submissives who’ve had bad experiences and understands that there is harm caused when a Dominant takes advantage. And so he’s never done it. Never barbed, rarely knotted, and only with exquisite planning and consent.

But he wants to knot and barb this man. Wants to flood him with come, his primitive instincts demanding it. There’s an image in his mind—how good it might feel, how much come he might pump into this submissive’s tight hole. He touches the man’s stomach again. So flat and muscular, almost concave. How will he look if he’s filled up with a full barbed release? Would Sam be able to tell, see the slightest distention to his taut stomach?

He wants to know. Needs to know.

As soon as the man wakes up, he’s going to belong to Sam.

“Christ. What the hell is his name?” Sam asks, shocked and horrified that he doesn’t even know. How can he feel so possessive of the submissive when he doesn’t even know his name?

Dr. Beck covers his laugh with a cough. “Craig Richards. His name is Craig Richards.”


Craig doesn’t wake up. After two hours, Sam nods off, half slips off the table, and almost cracks his head on the corner. And he’s got a report to finish. He checks the submissive again—a hand against the side of his face, brushing over his lips—but still gets no response, which means he isn’t close to waking yet.

The doctor comes by and lifts the sheet, checking for arousal, and, of course, Sam takes the opportunity to look.