Page 5 of Rancher Daddies

“Well, it’s just a guess on my part, but I think if you take a submissive with this type of… enhancements and give him a Dominant, he might transfer all that loyalty and devotion the government cultivated to the Dominant he chooses. And that’s a lot of money down the drain. Plus, he was good at his missions and stayed stable, so they would have wanted to keep him active as long as possible. I’m surprised they didn’t patch him up. Maybe he wasn’t as stable by the end.”

“So, he might be mentally unstable?” Sam asks.

Dr. Beck shrugs. “You have your training. You’ll deal with him just fine. If in doubt, be generous with sexual rewards, and I imagine he’ll become docile quite quickly.”

Sam nods. “If I’m his first Dominant then it might be a good idea to give me suppressants,” he says, thinking aloud. “Just something to make me… slower. Maybe more tired? Then we can sleep more, and he can rest and be held a lot. I took that Diazepam solution once, and it wasn’t bad.”

“How did you react to it?” Dr. Beck asks and starts looking at his notes.

Sam tries to remember. “Well, it gave me brain fog because I can’t fucking remember much beyond the fact that I lost eight pounds and had to get an IV drip at the end. Totally took away my appetite and self-preservation.”

The doctor blinks at Sam in confusion. “That doesn’t sound good at all. Why would we put you on this again?”

Sam shrugs. “He’s never been bred. This will make me… slow. I won’t need to come as much. The urgency will be reduced. It’s only a few days. It’s more important that his first experience is good. I don’t know how many cycles I’ve had in my life but coming a few times less and dampening my arousal isn’t a big ask.”

Dr. Beck chuckles. “This is why you keep getting asked to share your release cycle with new submissives. That is not a conclusion most Dominants would reach. They’d find the idea of taking a submissive’s virginity to be novel and exciting. Most Dominants typically ask for the submissive to be prepared for hard use, not try to reduce their own need to use.”

Sam sighs, uncomfortable with praise when all he’s doing is not being an asshole.

“Anyway,” Sam prompts.

The doctor goes back to the file. “The rest of his unit is gone. They were very good at their jobs and did what they were supposed to do—died for the cause.”

“Ah,” Sam says softly because that’s always difficult. Most of these guys who come out of stasis still have family or relatives alive, and while time has passed, they do have some connection to their old lives. This submissive’s family is gone, and so is his unit. He’ll feel very alone and is likely to have a hard time reintegrating. The long-term outcome for a submissive like that isn’t good unless he can find a Dominant partner to help him adjust.

Plus, the grief he will experience will make him unpredictable. “There’s no way to delay it? Give him time to meet some people and adjust a little before entering his cycle? Make sure it’s what he wants for his first time?”

Who he wants is more accurate.

“No. This was his request. He was promised a Dominant when his service was over. It’s part of his reward for service.”

Dr. Beck hesitates and seems to be debating with himself on how much information to divulge.

“Some of the things they did to him, the conditioning… I imagine he has a very strong desire to belong to a Dominant and to serve them well. He put into his contract a desire to be permanently contracted, which, you know, is also illegal now. People get divorced, and people can leave and move on, but that wasn’t something he ever wanted. He explicitly opted for something permanent that was the government’s choosing.”

“He put in his contract that he was willing to let the government assign him a Dominant, and he’d be trapped for life?” Sam asks, voice rising in disbelief. What is he, an idiot? Sam does not like trusting the government to give him dinner every night, let alone decide on his partner.

“As unbelievable as it seems, yes, that was his request, and the approval was given—he’s got a declaration in his file, and his scores on the D/s scale indicate he was just about as submissive as it’s possible to be. In and out of cycle, his scores were extreme.”

Sam tries not to get too excited by what that means. Being highly submissive at all times of one’s cycle is not common. It’s typically something that fluctuates and only hits a peak at the top of a submissive’s cycle.

And it is why Sam hasn’t found a long-term submissive yet. He doesn’t drop down from the peak as much as most Dominants do. His resting dominance is higher than a lot of submissives would choose. The height of his cycle is relatively mild, which a lot of submissives respond well to during their own cycle, but the rest of the month can be intense.

He needs a submissive who wants to submit hard no matter their time of the month. He needs someone who is an outlier in the same way he is.

What if this man is just like him?


“Well, let’s see him,” Sam says and adjusts himself because his body is definitely on board with the idea of this man and his requirements. Dr. Beck gets the right form, has Sam sign it, and then leads him deeper into the medical ward.

The reactivation room is always hot from the equipment used to bring the soldiers out of stasis. The AC attempts to compensate, which means the room is always warm, oddly sterile, and loud with the hum of machinery.

His gaze is instantly drawn to a large man lying on a table. He’s unconscious, and he’s beautiful. He’s broad-shouldered and packed with muscle. His hair is a rich brown with chestnut highlights. His skin is tanned and healthy looking, almost polished. His lips are full. The sort of mouth that makes a Dominant think of blow jobs. He's the most exquisitely crafted man Sam has ever seen.

“Is that him?” he asks because it seems too good to be true.

“Yes, that’s him,” Dr. Beck says, and Sam stops next to the table, staring down at him. Even his eyelashes are perfect. He sinks his fingers into the man’s hair, shocked at how thick and soft it is. His hand slides gently down the man’s face of its own volition, strokes over his neck, and cups his pec in his hand. His chest is rather large, and while he’s all muscle, there’s definitely enough soft flesh to get a hold of. Enough to use and mound together if he wants to come between the man’s pecs, mark him up as his own.