Page 35 of Rancher Daddies

“I think it makes me sound like a cow or a machine or something.”

“Well, in all fairness, I’d be the one getting milked. You’re the milker. I think I’d be the cow?”

Craig rolls his eyes, comes close, and Sam wraps him up in his arms.

“What about other places? How’s your neck? I think I savaged you.”

“I came from it. So, no complaints.”

Sam laughs. “That you did. I was very impressed,” he says and kisses him soundly.

Craig moves back, blushing and pleased at the praise. Sam goes to the fridge to get him something to drink. He puts a full glass of juice down beside Craig and watches him drink it.

“You should have one, too,” Craig says.

Sam nods in agreement. Craig picks up the juice container to pour Sam a glass, but his arm is unsteady, and Sam reaches in and stops him, setting it down before it spills.

“Fuck,” Craig whispers and tries to turn away.

“No, you stay with Daddy,” Sam orders and pulls him back against his body, wanting to take care of his boy and figure out what’s wrong. And having Craig be more than touching distance away is uncomfortable when they’re so deep into their cycle. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. I’m fine. Well, it’s just… it’s emotional. And it’s—” He hauls in a deep breath. “I’m here. I can’t believe I’m alive and I get to be here with you and have this. I didn’t ever think I’d have someone and get to feel so important, but that’s how you make me feel. But it makes me weak or—not faint, but I’m just not strong at the moment.” He presses his lips into a hard line and stops talking.

“Is it bad? Do you want to contact medical?”

“No! It isn’t bad, it’s really good. Honestly, I sort of feel… high, or maybe it’s just subspace still? But I like it.”

“Okay,” he says, and Craig stays in his arms until Sam has to deal with food again. And even that is an odd moment because Craig waits, and though Sam is cooking, his body is turned toward Craig, his attention is as much on him as it can be, and as soon as he can take Craig back into his embrace, he does.

Maybe Craig isn’t the only one who is in a hormonally altered state. “I can’t keep my hands off you. Not just to be inside you, but to take care of you, have you close.”

“Good,” Craig says, sounding almost prim.

“That’s how it should be, huh? Then I won’t try to rein it in. Let me feed you,” Sam says, and they sit down as close as can be, Craig half between his legs. Sam feeds him, alternating bites between them, his free hand wrapped around Craig’s waist, over his stomach. Craig leans more heavily into him as the meal goes on. He has to be reminded to open his mouth, and after ten minutes has to have his glass held for him. Craig doesn’t even take the next bite of food, just presses his face into Sam’s neck and breathes him in.

“Am I in subspace?” he murmurs.

“Yeah, I think you must be. You’re down. Don’t try to come back to me. Just drift there. I’ll decide everything, and you can be my good boy and obey. Daddy will take care of you.”

“What…” The question appears to be elusive in his foggy state. Craig tries again. “What made it happen?”

“It just happens. This is what we’ve been trying to get to. Time will pass, and you’ll feel like this for a while, maybe a day, and then you should be a lot more balanced out. All the bad hormones will drop drastically, and you’ll need a lot of sleep and cuddling.”

Craig sighs happily. “That sounds nice.” He’s almost asleep. Sam makes Craig finish the last bite of food because he needs to keep his strength up.

“What about… orgasm?” Craig asks when he swallows.

“We just did that. Enjoy the break.”

“Ha. No, I thought orgasm was what balanced me out?”

Sam leads him to the bathroom so he can pee and brush his teeth. “Yes, that is also a large part of what you need. Much like crying releases stress hormones, so does orgasm during your cycle. But you also need subspace, which gives your body a chance to heal and self-regulate.”

Craig mumbles something, but it’s clear he’s not paying much attention. His pupils are blown wide, and he’s exhausted.

Sam washes both their hands, brushes Craig’s hair, and then gets him settled on the couch beside him and covered in a blanket. He’s so docile and trusting. It satisfies the Dominant in Sam in a way that no other submissive has.

Maybe because the other Submissives he’s been with haven’t gone as deep into their submission as Craig has. They haven’t welcomed it in the same way Craig has.