I stare at my phone, excited and a little worried I’ve just made another one of my impulsive mistakes. I watch the wordsJack is typing...above our chat.


I’ve found the perfect place. Rent-free, and the commute is glorious.


I’m afraid to ask.


Don’t be. You’ll love it. I’ll show you tomorrow.

A moment later, he sends a photo of Sebastian fast asleep in his lap. Beyond the sleeping cat, I can see a bit of color on Jack’s shins. More tattoos. I zoom in but can’t make out what they are. I wonder how many he has and where else they might be.

Really, what was in those drinks? Because I have never been attracted to a man’s partially obscured shins before.


See how relieved Sebastian is that you’ve agreed to be my most professional coworker?

I laugh, then make a goofy face and snap a selfie. If this angle happens to highlight my cleavage, it’s completely unintentional.


You promised to be the most professional coworker I’ve ever had. I promised nothing. Look at me, I don’t have a professional bone in my body.

It takes only three seconds for me to regret sending the photo, and I panic.What do you think you’re doing sending a photo like that to your de facto boss?the voice of reason says.

I’d delete it, but Jack has already seen it. I stare at the banner above the chat that switches betweenJack is typing...andOnlinefor what feels like forever. I’m halfway through typing an apology when his reply appears.


As if I haven’t been looking at you all night.

Before I can even think about how to respond, another message comes in.


Is what I would say if I weren’t the most professional coworker you’ve ever had.

I roll my eyes.


But since I am the most professional coworker you’ve ever had, I will just say good night.

Good night, Raine.

I clutch my phone to my chest, unable to stop myself from grinning. The voice of reason warns me that this is not what reasonable people do. They do not take random jobs they are not qualified for, or stay in a stranger’s home, or flirt with their sort-of-boss they’ve known for all of four hours. But I have never been a reasonable person. Why start now?



After I walk Nina and Raine home, I head back to the pub. As soon as I step inside, I feel Ollie’s eyes on me, but I zip behind the bar and pretend not to notice when he follows me into the kitchen. I keep my eyes on the floor and hold my breath as I pass through it and to our office so I won’t have to stop and make sure the knives are where they ought to be. It’s only once I’m seated behind the desk that I look up at Ollie standing in the doorway. He’s wearing a scowl, of course. It’s only almost always present, but I like to joke that it’s more permanent than my tattoos.

I nod to the door. “Mind shutting that? I’ve got paperwork to prepare.”