I shake my head and look back at him. “Uber. At least I know they won’t let me down.”

A smirk curves one corner of his mouth. Dry humor is what occurs when I’m going through things. Not everyone gets it, but Leo doesn’t seem bothered by it.

Leo lifts two fingers toward the bartender and orders another round. I was going to slow down, but fuck it. I like the state I’m floating into. I’m not driving, and anyway, Leo is good company right now.

“Know what you’re in need of?” Leo asks, dabbing out the cigarette.

“I can’t wait to hear this.”

He leans in close and whispers near my ear, “A good, hard fuck. A no commitment, no strings attached one-night stand.”

My eyes widen and my lips part as a chuckle leaves my mouth. Leo is the most forward man I’ve ever met in my life. I pull back, a shyness creeping over me. My cheeks are blooming with heat. He doesn’t blink as he watches me, and it makes my chest burn with tension.

“Obviously. But I’m not a one-night stand kind of person.”

“Bullshit.” He tips his head toward me curiously. “Everyone is. Why are you the one exception?” His gaze roams over me and eats me up.

“Strangers don’t have the chemistry lovers do. The sex is barely performed at fifty percent. It’s not bad, but it’s not mind-blowing enough to make me do it often. When there’s a serious relationship, it just feels different. Then I want it often.”

The tequila is making me ramble, yet I don’t stop.

“Is he just not attracted to me anymore? Is that what it is?”

“It’s definitely not you,” Leo says quickly. He leans in close, and the back of my neck tingles at his proximity. “I can’t take my eyes off you, Trista. I was drawn to you the moment you stepped inside."

Leave it to a stranger to make my emotions rise to the surface. I reach for the fourth shot and pass the other to Leo. After this one, I’m going to take a break. I’m past tipsy and feeling extra good. I want to make sure some of my common sense remains intact.

“The relationship doesn’t have to be serious for the sex to feel good,” he says, his voice low. It sends tingles down my spine. “Maybe you’re just finding duds. Not everyone knows how to handle a woman’s body.”

His implication is loud and clear. The temptation tastes delicious. Leo wants me to know he knows how to please a woman. It’s been a while since I’ve truly flirted with anyone that I forgot what it feels like.

I raise the shot and say, “Here’s to finding a stud.”

Slamming the empty glass on the counter, I shake my head, letting him know I need a break.

A cool gust of wind breezes past my back. I shoot a glance over my shoulder and do a double take at who’s walking through the front door. My jaw drops. I didn’t anticipate seeing anyone I know here tonight. I frown, wondering if I’m drunk when I realize that I’m not. Clenching my eyes shut, I swivel around and pray he didn’t notice me. I sense Leo watching me for a long second before he turns to look at the entrance.

Why the hell is Tim here? I didn’t think this was his type of scene. The last time I saw him was the day he moved out.

“Your love life is riveting. Who’s this one?”

Exhaling a tight breath, I say dryly, “The ocean explorer.”

Leo barks out a laugh. I lift my eyes to his and give him a half smile.

“He’s coming this way,” Leo says without moving his mouth.

“Of course he is,” I mutter under my breath.

“Actually, there’s no other empty barstools. The place is filling up. They’re going to sit on the other end of the bar.”

My stomach tightens. “They?”

“Looks like he’s got a date,” Leo says, and I try not to react too much to the news. He looks down at me and pauses. “You were meant to sit next to me tonight. I’m going to be your wingman.”

My brows bunch together when I hear my name being called.
