Page 6 of Out of Bounds

To be fair, I was in a foul mood thanks to that dirty Russian.

The lobby and cafe was adorned with classy decorations and table pieces, not paper streamers or balloons. It didn’t resemble a gym too much, and everyone was dressed up.

I may look and play the part of a gymnast on the outside without a care in the world other than upcoming meets, but looks were deceiving. Because inside, my heart fucking hurt and I had a lot on my mind.

Since Kova took my virginity, it’d been on my mind every second of the day. God, I could still feel his hands on me, still taste his mouth on mine. I’ve tried to look at him each day at practice with a stoic face and a carefree attitude, but my armor was starting to crack. The truth is, I slept with my coach.

It felt like weeks had passed since he walked out of my apartment. In reality, it was days ago. But it’s been days of having to grit my teeth and endure his endless commands. And worse, his nonchalant attitude over what we did, like I was a dime a dozen. But to be fair, it wasn’t as if he could really do much about it.

I groaned inwardly. I was being unreasonable.

I eyed Kova. Seeing him tonight with his beautiful girlfriend by his side broke something in me. I could handle his emotional avoidance and his dickhead attitude during practice, but to see him rub her in my face as if my feelings no longer mattered really got under my skin.

I was so far deep into my thoughts, I didn’t feel the enemy approaching.

“God, she’s gorgeous, isn’t she?” Reagan said, nodding toward Katja.

I followed her gaze. Katja stood next to Kova, talking to what I presumed were parents of a gymnast. Naturally, mine were absent. However, they weren’t the only ones not present. Reagan’s weren’t here either.

“Your dress is so pretty,” she said.

Maybe it was the spirit of the holidays, but Reagan was being awfully nice to me tonight. She already brought me a sugar-free cupcake earlier when we first got here.

I frowned, looking down at my dress. I was wearing Diane Von Furstenberg, an eight-hundred-dollar floor-length chiffon pleated dress I had altered to be knee length. One shoulder showed off my sharp collarbone, and the vibrant blue material reminded me of the summer sky without a cloud overhead. Paired with nude, strappy heels, I couldn’t go wrong with one of the designer’s iconic dresses. I’d worried I would be overdressed, but surprisingly, I wasn’t.

“You know, I actually overheard them going at it last night in his office.”

That got my attention quick. “What do you mean, going at it?”

Keep your cool, Adrianna,I told myself.

“Fucking…” she said slowly, like I was incapable of comprehending the English language.

I slowly shook my head back and forth, my cheeks heating. “Yeah, right. Coach would never be inappropriate at his place of work.”

She turned and looked at me in a way that made me slightly uncomfortable. She continued to stare, unblinking. As if she was trying to see past my uncaring attitude and catch on to something else.

“Besides,” I said, breaking the tension, “what’s the big deal if they were? They do live together, Reagan. Are you really that much of a prude to think they only give it up to each other in the bedroom?”

This conversation was stressing me out. I was faking it and trying to divert the possibility of her questioning me. The last thing I needed was for my mind to go down that road, but I couldn’t let her think for a second Kova and I were fooling around either. She was the type of person who would go to extremes to ruin someone. And just in case, I would prevent that from happening. I’d rather be safe than sorry. If that meant I had to make it look like I couldn’t give two shits what Coach did in his free time, then that’s what I would do.

Jesus Christ, I was paranoid.

My little innocent act must have paid off because Reagan pulled back. It was brief but noticeable. Luckily for me, it was what I needed at the moment because I didn’t have time for another concern.

Without waiting for a retort, I turned on my three-inch heels and made my way to the exit. Tears climbed my eyes from the anger surrounding my heart. How dare he come to my place, have sex with me, and then only days later turn around and screw someone else.

I knew Reagan was just messing with my mind; she was cruel like that. It wasn’t like I thought he never had sex with Katja. I guess it never really crossed my mind what he actually did when he was home with her. Until now.

Things were about to change.

I’d had enough of pretending to be okay with practically being nonexistent in his world. I wasn’t just any other gymnast, and he made that pretty damn clear the night he showed up at my door and practically branded me as his. Kova could ignore me all he wanted at practice and act like nothing had happened, but I refused to sit back and allow him to rub his beloved girlfriend in my face. I may be naive about some things, but I wasn’t a pushover.

First thing was first… I needed to figure out a game plan to get him alone.

I was almost to the door when I noticed a shadow coming from the direction of Kova’s office. I paused and held my breath as he stepped out into the hallway and made a quick U-turn and walked back in.

So much for that mental break. I needed a moment to prepare for what I was going to say without losing my cool, but I was afraid I wouldn’t get an opportunity to get him alone again anytime soon either. Now that I was presented with the opportunity to talk to him, I was a little anxious.