Page 57 of Out of Bounds



“Are you really going to ignore me the entire car ride?”

It’s the first thing Avery has said since we left the airport. I grimace, thinking I should have turned on the radio. The silence begged for conversation, and she jumped at the first opportunity.

“That’s the plan.”

Avery scoffs. “Why?”

“Why what?” I snap.

Avery turns her body in my direction. I glance her way quickly before my eyes are back on the road. She looks at me like I have four eyes but doesn’t know which to look in. We’re not friendly, and I don’t pretend to be cool with her. Because I’m not. After what happened, I can never go back to what we were. I don’t look at her the same, I never will, and it fucking kills me inside.

“Don’t act dense on purpose,” she says. “It’s not becoming of you. Why are you ignoring me?”

I grip the steering wheel. “Why would I talk to you now if I wouldn’t talk to you in the last, what, five years?”

“Did you forget you tried to fuck me last year at my father’s party?” Her raspy giggle pushes its way out between her smiling lips. “Nice try, Xavier. I don’t buy that for one minute.”

Irritation riddles me. I grind my teeth. I knew she’d go there. We can read each other like a book, which also pisses me off. A lot of things piss me off when it comes to Avery. I squirm in my seat and adjust my thighs, widening them. She’s always seen too much of me, and it makes me uncomfortable.

“I was drunk as shit and don’t remember half of the event,” I tell her. I lie, but it’s also partially true.

“You’re such a bullshit liar.” Her giggle is soft now and it makes my cock ache with warmth. “But whatever you need to tell yourself to pretend it didn’t happen.”

“Everyone gets drunk and fucks at big celebrations. You made my dick hard. I was just trying to get it on before I went home to my girlfriend.”

Another lie, but it works.

Avery turns to face forward and doesn’t say another word.

In the past, alcohol always intensified the sex between us, something I never saw coming with Avery. Not that we needed it, but we’d take shots before things got dirty to get that extra heady friction going. Her sex drive matched mine and she became a craving I couldn’t get enough of. Avery was frisky, and she would come undone for me, allowing me to surge into her however the hell I wanted while I gripped her hips, wanting to hurt her so good. We would be skin to skin, indulging in euphoria. When her eyes rolled closed and my name was a soft sigh on her lips, I knew she was mine to play with however I wanted. The pleasure would take over and she would float on my cloud.

Avery would make me work for her pussy after winning a paid fight. She was the prize, she said. Those fights caused the adrenalin in my blood to pursue her like prey. I loved those moments. She let me bite her in the hunt, then come inside her pussy when I finally restrained her. It was a thing between us. I never blew my load inside of Avery without her approval, not until she said I could. That was how I won her. A part of me liked how she was in control in that moment. I may have taken a beating, but she’s why I rarely lost a match. Avery took that never-ending roar in my head and made it hers until I could barely lift my arm to smoke a cigarette after. I loved her for it.

Now I hate her.

But if I did lose, which was rare, I got nothing. She made sure of it too.

God, my balls ache thinking back to a night I lost a fight from a sucker punch, of all things. I grit my teeth vividly remembering how she would taunt me with her naked body while talking shit about how I couldn’t have her. Her pussy was so wet I could smell her walking in front of me. Her desire stuck to her thighs in the glow of the light. I told her if she wanted to play, then so would I. My cock was in my hand and I was stroking myself. Avery yelled, but I ignored her, instead ordering her to lie down and touch herself so I could fucking come already. I hadn’t slept in almost three days,andI lost a match. I wanted pussy, a couple of drinks, and whatever else I could get my hands on to put me in a blissful haze so I could forget the world around me. Naturally, with Avery, it was anything but predictable.

“Go fuck yourself,” she said, refusing me. Those three words were her favorite. And now she said them with more resentment than ever because she was turned on but wouldn’t cave on her dumb fucking rules.

I hated when she rejected me.

“I already am. At least give me something to look at.”

Avery flipped me off and I stroked harder. She watched in a haze. “Use your imagination.”

She made me want to choke her. I was on edge tonight and grew irritated by the second that she really wouldn’t fuck me. Thought she was joking, but she wasn’t.

I was feeling vengeful. That punk ass bitch had gotten lucky earlier, and Avery knew that. Losing the fight had already put me in a dark mood, now my fucking girlfriend wanted to play games. I stared at her creamy hips and the roundness of her ass. The way she leaned on her elbows as she ate chunks of watermelon made her backside pop out and it drew my attention. She had a nice curve to her spine that I wanted to break.

“Goddamn it, Ave. Just come over here and fucking ride me already.”

She laughed, shaking her head no, so I reached for my cellphone and pulled up the fastest porn video I could find. I couldn’t seem to get drunk no matter how many shots I took, and the blue pills weren’t getting me as high as they used to. I could almost taste the other side of the rainbow, but I wasn’t there. My rosy palm wasn’t giving me the boost I needed either.