Page 43 of Out of Bounds

We took a risk on a love that was against the odds before it started, and we were stubborn enough to win.

The series has now come to an end. I’m ready to say goodbye to this overpowering, stubborn, arrogant character who has spent years in my head. But being the pompous Russian that he is, he’s not quite ready to letmego. So I sat down with him one last time for a one-on-one to clear the air and ask all the burning questions fans are dying to know.

Kova stares at me from across the table, impatiently waiting. He helped himself to a stiff glass vodka before he sat down.

Lucia:I’m thinking we just rip the Band-Aid off and go with it. There’s much to cover.

Kova (aka Konstantin Kournakova, Arrogant Asshole, Coach):Jump to it. Time is valuable.

Lucia:Alright, Kova, let’s take it back to the beginning when Adrianna first came to World Cup. The night she found you on the rings working out, how often were you training at that time?

Kova:You wrote the book. Do you not know the answer?

Lucia:Don’t be a dick. Considering you didn’t allow me inside your head, no, I don’t know the answer to the question. I have no idea what you were doing. There was this air of elusiveness you wore like a glove. I’m getting the vibe that hasn’t changed.

Kova:Of all questions, this one? Lucia, humor me.

Lucia:You’ll come to regret those words.

Kova:(growls, actually growls) I would say four to six days a week, sometimes twice a day if I was arguing with Katja. I never viewed it as exercise though, just a way to release steam. Nowadays, with four daughters climbing up my legs, I do not work out nearly as much as I used to. Any freetime I have left is spent with my wife. (he smiles) We work out together after dark. In our bed. The shower. In the garage…

Lucia:I get the point.

Kova:The treehouse. In the shed that smells like earth and gasoline. The flower bed she made me put down and then killed with her black thumb. She is my first and last thought of the day. Where she is I want to be… and usually inside of.

Lucia:Good to know the romance hasn’t lessened. Take us back to the day Adrianna arrived at World Cup. What were your initial thoughts when you first saw Adrianna practice in the gym? Was there attraction? Many of us wish we had your point of view in those chapters. It’s been years since that day, but we still want to know what was going on inside of your head.

Kova:Luckily, you did not have my thoughts. Before Adrianna came to World Cup, I watched her perform on the YouTube. Let us just say she graduated from peewee’s to the big leagues when she competed at her first competition with me as her coach. She reminded me of a flocking flamingo the first time she performed her floor routine for me. I will never forget it.

Lucia:Don’t exaggerate, Kova. You’re not a miracle worker. She didn’t needthatmuch help.

Kova:I am a firm believer Ria’s previous coach had his head in the sand and his ass in the air.

Lucia:Like you do now?

Kova:No one asked you. Now, if you had my thoughts after Adrianna trained at World Cup, you would think I have two personalities. I am sure some still do, but I do not give a shit. Of course, I critiqued the hell out of her, that was my job. I was more in awe of her performing under pressure and the way her body moved after hours and hours of reconfiguring her skills. Adrianna put the work in and it showed. She was a sight to behold. Like two different gymnasts.

Lucia:Why did you have Plan B in your desk waiting for Adrianna after you had sex? There’s been speculation you bought it for her before she had a chance to decide for herself.

Kova:It was Katja’s.

Lucia:(waits impatiently) It was Katja’s? Really, Kova?

Kova:I mean, I can lie if you want and say I forced Adrianna to take it if it will up your sales.

Lucia:(unimpressed) I prefer honesty over bullshit.

Kova:And that is what I gave you.

Lucia:Did you just keep a stockpile of it or something? Why was it just sitting there?

Kova:I used to crush it up and put it in Katja’s food after I fucked her. She could not cook to save her life and never knew what I was doing. There was no way I was having a child with her. Marriage was one thing. Kids were a hard limit for me, and she knew that.

Lucia:I can’t tell if you’re lying or not.

Kova:(rolls eyes and sighs dramatically) Next question, Lucia, or I walk out.

Lucia:I need to know for myself. Answer it.