Page 15 of Out of Bounds

Kova reached into his pocket and dropped it into my hand. “Where is yours?” he asked.

I tilted my head toward him, finally looking away from Ethan’s determined gaze. “Shattered on the floor of my truck.”


Shrugging one shoulder, I glanced down and started entering my mom’s cell phone number. “I got annoyed with Avery and threw it.”

“Someone seems to have anger issues… You need to work that out of her, Kova,” Ethan said.

My head snapped up and I shot a look toward Kova, who mirrored my expression. Blood drained from my cheeks. We were on the same page thought wise, but the difference was Kova appeared indifferent. Professional. Ethan made the comment so casually, like an absentminded thought, but it still panicked me.

Kova turned to face Ethan, looking at him for a long moment. He blinked, then said, “Some girls are harder to break than others.”

My eyes widened. Kova’s response could’ve been taken in so many ways. For a split second, I wondered if he meant for that or not.

Ethan barked out an energetic laugh and slapped Kova on the back like they had some sort of inside joke.

“That they are, my friend. That they are.”

Kova let out a relieved chuckle, going along with what Ethan said. My shoulders relaxed, but my stomach was a mess with worry.

Lifting his gaze, Kova looked back at me. His head tipped toward the floor and his eyes peered through his lashes. He’d dodged a bullet, but the unexpected emotion swirling in the depths of his spellbinding green eyes caused a hitch in the back of my throat.


My lips parted as I put the phone to my ear.


Kova stood and held his hand out.

I reached for it. He immediately pulled me close and wrapped an arm around my lower back. My shirt rose and cool air drifted across my bare skin. I shivered. He held me close like he was savoring us, and I held my breath as I peered up at him, hugging him to me without thinking twice.

His palm gripped my jaw. His other hand cupped my ass and squeezed.

“Kova.” He grinned and I smiled. “Down, boy.”

Kova whimpered and pushed his hips into me. He lifted me up and I went willingly. “But I want you,” he said an inch from my face. Then he kissed me.

I really loved this man.

I could admit that to myself, just not to him.

“You’ve had me enough,” I said against his lips.

Kova held the back of my head and pressed his mouth to mine again. “There is no such thing as enough when I am addicted to you. I want you all day, every day. Any which way I could get you. I want you as mine. Fuck everyone and everything, I just want you, Ria.”

My stomach clenched, my chest on fire. God, I wanted to give myself to him badly. It was so hard for me to say no to Kova. A love so profound, one so resilient was difficult to ignore. Love, when done right, was an addiction. I was madly in love with Kova and he was my addiction.

I wanted to make him happy, give him everything. But doing that came with consequences. Ones I wasn’t ready to face just yet.

Kova leaned down and pressed my back to the bed.

“Kova…” I warned, raising one brow.

“Do you have any idea how easy it would be for me to pull my zipper down and slide my cock in your pussy? Your tight, little pussy that I love so much?” He slowly thrust his hips into my sex. “We are in the perfect position,malysh. Come on, give me what I want.” He moaned.

Kova wiggled his hips and my body turned pliant. His belt buckle pushed into my sex and I was filled with desire. Wewerein the perfect position.