Page 2 of Out of Bounds

Do you really like cotton candy? What are you? Five?

Dah malyshka. I have a sweet tooth and have bags hidden in my house.

Are you still writing like your therapist suggests?

Yes. I have written a lot lately. I have gone through two full notebooks and a box of pens.

I like specific pens.

Can I See?


If we could go away for the weekend, where would we go?

There’s a town my dad once told me about. I looked it up. It’s about an hour from here. It has small-town charm and old southern homes that can be rented out, kind of like a bed-and-breakfast you get to yourself. There are little mom-and-pop shops you can walk to in the village, tons of gorgeous flowers blooming everywhere, and places to eat. It looked so peaceful to me that if I could just up and leave for the weekend, I’d pick that place first. Just to get away.

Dah, I am starting to realize how true that statement is.

That sounds like a relaxing weekend. Simply bliss.

I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thank you for getting me through this weekend. Difficult roads lie ahead, but I feel like I could handle anything as long as I have you by my side.

I will always be by your side. If you will have me, that is.

Top or bottom?

Top or bottom of what? A Bagel? A bunk bed? A cupcake? Then it would be the top for all. I like the top.

That is not the answer I was looking for.

What does that even mean? That you won’t eat the bottom of a cupcake for me? Oh, I forgot. You have a secret sweet tooth, so I bet you love the frosting.

You have a lot to learn.

So teach me.

One day… Timing is everything, malysh.

You’ve already bottomed for me. ;)

What’s your other nationality aside from the one that’s obvious?

Take a guess.




I am not going to even answer that one.


