Page 43 of Deadly Games

The car ride was short, but in that short amount of time I’ve managed to overanalyse everything that happened. I still don’t remember much, if anything, but my mind, body, and soul are telling me another story. I’m so overwhelmed with all these conflicting emotions. The strongest one that stands out is fear. Uncontrollable fear. Another thing I’ve not been able to ignore is a reoccurring thought, one that has been repeating itself in my mind since Logan revealed what happened between us: I’d never willingly sleep with Logan. I know it deep down in my bones, down to my soul, that I’d never willingly sleep with him.

“Walking you up,” he informs me, shaking me from my thoughts. I don’t get the chance to decline because he steps ahead of me, giving me no choice but to let him.

It seems nothing is going in my favour. It’s like I’m in a bad dream, one that feels very real. Not only am I being forced to spend more unnecessary time with him, but now I have to walk up eight flights of stairs. The lift is out of order once again, and it’s just another kick in the teeth this morning.

My body is so sore. Not to mention, the stinging sensation between my legs hurts more with each step I take.

Nearing the door to my floor, my body gets a burst of energy. I don’t know whether it’s because I’m nearly home or if it’s because I’m seconds away from being away from Logan, or both. My body just moves.

As I near the top of the stairs, my ankle gives way and I fly forward.

My arms shoot out, trying to break the fall, but the fall doesn’t come. Arms reach out, squeezing my biceps and lifting me up straight so that I’m steady on my feet.

“Don’t touch me,” I scream, flinching away from his touch. It’s then that I know. I know I didn’t consent to having sex with him.

A choking sound catches in the back of my throat, a sob following. I quickly rush up the rest of the stairs, pushing my way through the stairwell door to our floor.

“What the fuck, Willow? You’re acting like I attacked you or something. I gave you what you wanted,” he says when he catches up to me, taking my arm in his tight grip.

“I said don’t touch me,” I cry out, shoving him away.

“Are you seriously going to act like this? We slept together, big whoop. I didn’t fucking rape you.” He scoffs, looking at me with disdain.

“Didn’t you?” I breathe out, meeting his gaze for the first time. What I see sends a cold shiver down my spine. His eyes… Jesus, his eyes. They’re cold, lifeless, his expression deadly. How did I not see this side to him before? I never believed he had this kind of evil in him. Has he always been like this?

“Be real,” he snaps, curling his lip as he stands there, clenching his fists.

“I am,” I growl, wiping furiously at my tears, trying to remain calm. “Very. I’d never agree to sleep with you.”

“Agree? You fucking begged for it,” he snarls, taking me by the shoulder and squeezing me, giving me a rough shake.

“I don’t even remember, Logan. How could you do that to me? I couldn’t have been coherent or even sober enough to have even given you consent. So tell me, Logan, how did you think that was right?” I shout, trying to push him away. “Let me go.”

“No! Not until you see some fucking sense,” he barks, looking murderous, nothing like the Logan I once knew. It’s like he’s morphing into someone I don’t recognise right before me.

The same fear I experienced this morning causes my blood to run cold, my whole body shaking from it.

“I am seeing sense. You spouted all that shit off earlier about me always wanting it, when I know I’ve never wanted you like that, ever. You took me against my will. You took advantage of me. You were meant to be my friend,” I sob, struggling to get out of his hold.

“You just said you didn’t fucking remember. Make your mind up.” He sneers, his eyes darkening as he brings his face closer. The feel of his breath on my face causes bile to rise in my throat and my whole body to freeze up.

“I might not remember, but my body sure does. Now let me fucking go,” I cry hysterically, still struggling.

“Watch it,” he warns, his voice deadly. “I wouldn’t go around accusing me of rape. People saw you all over me last night. They saw you cheat onyourboyfriend. It’s your word against mine, and who do you think they’re going to believe?”

“Let me go,” I yell, needing to get away from him, away from his manipulation. He’s trying to scare me, to belittle me, and I won’t let him. He’s taken too much from me already. “Get away from me.”

His fingers tighten around my biceps, causing me to yelp.

“She said let her go,” Cole booms, his large hand slapping down on Logan’s shoulder so hard it causes me to flinch. Logan winces, his face tightening as he glares at Cole over his shoulder.

Understanding Cole isn’t going to back down, Logan steps back, releasing me. Stumbling back, I keep going until my back slams into my front door. With shaky hands, I look through my bag for my keys, fighting back a sob as I do. When my fingers reach around the cold metal, I have to bite my lip to stop myself from crying out with relief.

“Go… Now,” Cole grits out, his voice as menacing as Logan’s. It’s more dangerous, more threatening.

“Willow,” Logan calls, his voice stiff. But I don’t bother to turn around.

I’m shaking so badly I drop my keys on the floor before getting a chance to open the door to the flat. That’s when the first sob breaks free.