Page 23 of Deadly Games

“I’m going.” She smiles, rolling her eyes. “Emergency numbers are on the fridge if you need me for anything,” she calls, grabbing her keys from the hook by the front door.

The door isn’t even shut before Mia starts pulling at my arm again, moaning at me. “C’mon. C’mon.”

“Okay, okay,” I let her pull me further into the house and up the narrow flight of stairs.

The stairs creak behind me under the lads’ weight, and I hear CJ mutter, “I take it we’re skipping breakfast.”

Mia’s room is the first door I see when we reach the top of the stairs. Her door is painted pink and has a wooden name plaque reading ‘Mia’s bedroom’.

“Wow!” I say, amazed when I step inside. Her room is so bright, so colourful and filled with so many dolls and teddy bears. “This is amazing.”

“You can sit here.” She pats the floor next to her, a huge smile on her face. Ignoring the two brutes blocking the doorway, I take a seat where instructed, smiling at how happy she looks at me being here. “Liam sits here when we have tea parties, but he’s not invited today,” she tells me, leaning in closer to whisper, “No boys allowed.”

I chuckle and look up at Cole, who is narrowing his eyes down at his sister, and if I’m not mistaken, a blush has risen in his cheeks.

“Dude,” CJ laughs, looking at Cole like he’s about to say more, but Mia opens her mouth first.

“CJ sits there.” She points to the left of me. “He likes being near the Barbies,” she admits, and CJ’s laugh is cut off, wiping the smile from his face when she throws him under the bus.

“Cole’s her brother. What’s your excuse?” I tease, not sure why I’m sticking up for Cole.

“What?” he asks, looking at me with a blank expression. “I can’t say no to her. Little shit,” he mumbles, whispering the last part under his breath, but still loud enough that we all hear.

“Crap,” Cole hisses, looking ready to hit CJ. At first, I think it’s because CJ swore in front of his little sister, but then I see Mia crawling under her bed, reaching for something. It has me questioning what is going on.

“Knew I should have stayed in the car,” CJ mutters, looking like he wants to kick himself.

“Hand it over,” Mia demands, holding her tiny fists up, ready to take them out. “You too,” she warns Cole, taking a warning step towards him.

He takes a step back, holding his hands up before slowly reaching into his back pocket. I laugh when I realise what’s going on. They both look scared of the little girl, which makes me snort embarrassingly loud. Both of them turn their narrowed gazes my way, not looking happy at all.

“Kid, I’m skint. You’re breaking the bank,” CJ moans, handing over a five-pound note. Cole does the same. My eyes widen, laughter bursting free, when I see the stash of cash she has in her money tin. I don’t even thinkIhave that much money.

“Sorry, but… No… Not sorry.” I snort again, fighting hard to control my laughter.

CJ rolls his eyes at me before looking back down to Mia. “Any chance you could give me a loan, kid? I mean, most of that dosh in there is mine anyhow,” he asks, his eyes twinkling as he grins down at her, rubbing his hands together.

“I’ll give you one shiny coin,” she offers, holding a pound coin up. “For some paper money.”

CJ was right. She is too clever. It’s freaking ace to see her wrap the two biggest men I know around her little finger. She’s a genius. Something also tells me CJ would happily take the offer just to appease the little girl if he had the money, just wanting to see her smile. It melts my heart.

“Pretty sure I’d be losingmoremoney.”

“Need to make my money somehow,” she answers, like it’s a rehearsed speech she’s said before.

“You tell him, Snot-face.” Cole smirks, fist-bumping Mia. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing him smirk, smile or laugh. It’s like seeing a rare species.

When he sees me staring, a blank look replaces his smirk, like he’s afraid I’ll take a picture or something.

Too late, buddy. I’ve got a photographic memory.

“Turn that frown upside down,” Mia sings, getting up to give her brother a hug. He bends down, placing her between his knees, and hugs her back. My heart just went whoosh. It’s gone. Melted. I’m beginning to feel choked up; my eyes threatening to water if he keeps surprising me like this.

“Okay, Snot-face. We need to head to practise now, but I’ll be back at midday. I’ll take you to McDonalds if you keep Willow out of trouble. Think you can do that?” he asks. Mia squeals, jumping up and down with glee.

“You’re the best big brother in the whole wide world,” she shouts, and to emphasise how much, she holds her hands as wide apart as she can.

He chuckles, ruffling her hair with a soft expression. He looks to me then, a deep, meaningful look on his face when he speaks.