Page 99 of Deadly Games

It’s a picture of me and Logan on my fifteenth birthday. We went to an amusement park for the day with a group of friends and Allie. We’ve got our arms wrapped around each other, huge smiles on our faces after coming off one of the biggest rides there. I remember the day so clearly. It’s times like this that I feel like the Logan I know and the Logan I knew are two different people.

How can someone who was so funny, so kind and protective, be the monster that he is? He not only raped me but so many others. It wasn’t a misunderstanding or a drunken mistake, but something he strategized and planned out to the last detail. I can’t fathom why he’d do this.

Putting the picture down, I straighten my spine. I need to get this done, and not just for myself but for all his other victims. All those girls he tricked and manipulated, only to drug them and rape them. Trudging everything up makes me angrier than I was before coming here tonight.

Starting off with his wardrobe, I open it, pulling out some boxes from the bottom shelf, along with random clothing that has just been shoved in. Not finding what I need or what we’re looking for, I move on to the top shelf; again, finding nothing.

His desk isn’t much help either, just schoolwork and shit. I start to worry I was wrong about him hiding anything in that chest or in his room. Maybe he didn’t even bring it when he left home. Frustrated, tears fill my eyes, and I clench my fists, fighting the urge to smash his room to smithereens. Just being here for this long is becoming too much for me. I feel dizzy and sick.

Seeing boxes hidden in the alcove in the corner, I rush over, tipping the top box over.

“Eww, gross,” I mutter, staring down at the piles of porn magazines.

Kicking the box away, I move on to the next, opening it up. Inside is more junk than I care to look at. Stacks of porn DVD’s fill the box. It’s disgusting.

“Where are you?” I curse, getting angrier by the minute.

Taking another look around the descent-sized room, I try to think of other hiding places that are big enough to hide the chest. Then my eyes scan the bed, the one thing I’ve not wanted to look at again, and I mutter a curse. Hurrying over to the end, I lift the blanket and scan underneath.

I thought that once I found the chest, I’d be able to relax and feel some sort of relief, but when my gaze lands on it, I begin to panic more.

What if he walks in? I’m too close for something to go wrong now.

With shaky hands, I slide half of my body underneath the bed, cursing the wig Allie made me put on when it catches on one of the springs. My fingers reach the edge of the chest, and I begin to pant harder. Finally having it in my grasp, I get out from under the bed, looking at the chest with watery eyes.

The gems are as I remembered, and when I press the correct ones in, it clicks open. Nervous tension surrounds me, and slowly, so very slowly, I open the lid, my hands shaking. I gasp when I see the chest is filled with everything I need.

I know I predicted that there would be evidence in here; I just never expected for it to be real. I guess a part of me was still holding out hope that this was all some sort of nightmare and I’d wake up from it soon enough. But no. Inside, there is a black CD case folder filled with discs. Dates and names are written on them. I flick to the end, my stomach sinking when I see my name, the date I was raped, and Logan’s name written on the front with ninety-six points. There are three more discs after mine.

I lean over to the side, dry heaving, bile spilling to the floor.

“Oh God, oh God,” I chant, feeling out of my element. This is bigger than just me. This folder is filled with so many DVD’s. And I’m not naïve. I know what is going to be on those discs and it makes me sick.

We promised Cole we would call the police if we found something, but knowing how much bigger this is, I don’t want to risk Logan finding me and destroying them before the police get here.

Quickly, I shove as much of the chest’s contents into my bag as I can. In the middle of pushing the chest back under the bed, the bedroom door suddenly opens. I freeze, my head snapping up, a cold shiver racing across my body.

“I wondered when you’d turn up.” Logan grins smugly.

My whole body locks up.

This is not good. Seriously not good. Especially when my phone is buried under all the crap I’ve just stolen from his chest.


Unfreezing, I stand up quickly, making sure my bag slides around my back, out of sight. It works because his gaze doesn’t leave my face; his creepy smirk in place.

“Logan,” I greet, trying not to show how scared I am right now.

Because I am. I’m petrified. I feel like the walls are closing in on me and I’m finding it hard to breathe. How could I have let this happen? I was stupid to think I would get away with this without being caught. But the stupid, dreadful feeling I had in my stomach from the second I woke up wouldn’t let me just stay out of the way and let Cole and CJ do what they planned. I just wanted to protect them. Now, I may have just fucked everything up.

“Come for round two, baby?” he asks, a slight slur to his voice. Hearing him call me baby has my stomach tied up in knots.

I shudder, my face scrunching up in disgust. “There should never have been a first time,” I snap, unable to control my anger. It’s going to be my downfall.

He laughs bitterly, throwing his head back and taking a step towards me. I take one back, not wanting him anywhere near me. He’s already too close for my liking.

“Now, now, babe, you enjoyed it,” he tells me arrogantly, and I gag.