Page 103 of Deadly Games

The only one who they didn’t figure out was involved was Jane. She was safe the entire time she was there. They knew they were going to be spiked, just not by whom. It’s why they never accepted drinks from anyone all night. Jane explained to Allie, whilst Cole and CJ were in the room with me, that she knew something wasn’t right. It’s why she didn’t drug them or offer them a drink. She continued to explain that she heard some girl offer to get Jamie a drink and he declined, but afterwards, he gave a nod to someone standing across the room. Jane watched someone dressed up as Frankenstein walk up behind the same girl and take her out of the flat, making it look like a scare prank. It wasn’t until Jamie gave Logan a smirk and a high five that she knew they knew the whole plan, and they thought that girl was the one going to drug them. Jamie got up and followed the girl and Frankenstein.

Jane followed where they were heading, messaging Cole’s uncle and CJ right away, telling him where she was and what was happening. I feel bad for what she saw, what she went through. I also know the guilt she must have been feeling because it’s the same guilt that I feel, knowing I’m the reason the other girl was dragged into it. Jane didn’t want to wait for Cole’s uncle, so she made her way through to the other flat, finding Jamie shirtless and the girl lying unconscious on the bed. I don’t want to think about what could have happened had she not gone in there with CJ. My stomach twists just thinking about whatdidhappen to that poor girl.

CJ got there before Cole’s uncle and did a number on Jamie. I saw that part for myself when the police were dragging him out, handcuffed. I think seeing the attack right in front of him set something inside him off, bringing up painful memories, and that’s why he attacked Jamie so brutally.

After the paramedics checked out me, Cole and CJ, we were all able to leave. I let Cole drive us back in my car after saying goodbye to Jane and Cole’s uncle.

Now, I wish there was someone, anyone, to help break the tension building in the lift. You could literally cut it with a knife, it’s that thick. In the car, it was smothering. Now, though, it’s suffocating, sucking all the air out of the lift. CJ has been quiet, the air deadly around him, like he’s going to snap at any second. At first, I thought it was because of everything that happened back at the party, but every time he looked at Allie, his features hardened, his eyes rolling.

The ding to announce that we’ve reached our floor seems louder than normal, causing me to jump. I’m bone tired, even with the half an hour nap I somehow managed to get back at the flat. The paramedic assured me it was the adrenaline wearing off and that shock was beginning to sink in.

“I can’t take it anymore. Will you just say something,” Allie snaps, and I turn, wide-eyed, thinking she’s talking to me, but her narrowed eyes are aimed at CJ.

His eyes mirror hers, narrowed into tiny slits. He looks like he’s seconds away from blowing up.

Uh oh!

Here we go...

“Did you lose your goddamn fucking mind?” he roars, throwing his hands up in the air. “I told you to stay here, to watch out for Willow, to keep you both safe.”

“Hold on a goddamn minute,” Allie yells, stepping towards him and poking his chest, which is like poking a wild bear at the moment. “I wasn’t going to sit back and watch her go cray cray all night long waiting for you two idiots to come back. God knows what would have happened if we hadn’t shown up. We were the ones who gotyouout of trouble, if I remember correctly. Did you forget it was me who pulled the fire alarm?” she snaps. I blink, wondering when the hell a fire alarm went off. I never heard it, not once. It would explain how the whole floor of their building was emptied of partygoers so quickly.

“No! And it’s not the point. You put yourselves in fucking danger.Youcould have been seriously hurt or fucking worse—” He sighs, stopping himself from finishing his sentence.

“You’re an overgrown ape. You know that? You drive me fucking insane. Can’t you just be polite and say thank you so we can all move on? No… You have to make a bigger deal out of it than it needs. You also put Alex in danger. You saw he was being manhandled by that fridge and neither of you moved to help him, but the minute someone clocks you, everyone’s jumping on the CJ train,” she yells at him. Cole and I stand frozen by the front door, waiting and watching to see how this will all play out.

“You’re fucking crazy. He was enjoying himself. The guy needs to get laid and stop obsessing over you,” he snaps at her, and it’s the wrong thing to say because Allie turns bright red, her anger palpable.

“You arrogant, self-centred, little-minded dickhead. How dare you think you can—”

I gasp, finding it hard to look away or stop the laugh bubbling up my throat. Covering my mouth with my hand, I watch as CJ completely dominates her, kissing the life out of her like an incubus.

I lean against Cole, exhaling softly. “Holy hotness.”

“It’s about fucking time,” Cole grumbles, his lips twitching.

Allie pulls back, slapping CJ around the face, her cheeks now red for other reasons. “You can’t just kiss me,” she remarks, but her heavy breathing, swollen lips, and molten eyes say otherwise.

“I can,” he tells her huskily, pulling her in for another kiss, ignoring the fact that she just slapped his cheek good and proper. She doesn’t fight him, not even when he picks her up and carries her over to his door. I wait for the fireworks but none come. He manages to open the door and kick it shut behind him with his booted foot.

“Guess I’m not welcome,” Cole mutters, staring at the closed door.

“Come on.” I grab his hand and pull him over to the kitchen, pushing open my own door. We’re about to step inside, when we hear it. Her shrill scream.

“I said: don’t kiss me,” she yells, the sound echoing in the hallway. I laugh, unable to hold it back any longer.

“Shut up and kiss me,” we hear CJ yell, and everything goes quiet again, making me laugh harder.

“Want a drink?” I ask, heading towards the fridge.

“Water,” he answers, leaning against the doorway with a heavy expression. “How are you?”

“Honestly?” I ask, not knowing how to answer. Everything still feels up in the air.

“Always.” He nods.

“I feel light, free. Everything that Becca said she felt, I feel the same tenfold. I can’t explain it. But knowing I won’t bump into him tomorrow or the next day, or wake up to him standing over my bed, is a blessing. It feels like I’ve been to confession and rid myself of all my sins, but this time, I’ve rid myself of my nightmares. I hate him, Cole. I really hate him. I never knew I could feel this kind of darkness towards anyone, but I do, and tonight, I could have killed him because of it,” I admit, feeling ashamed of myself somewhat.