Page 57 of Steele

Steele nodded but didn’t say anything more. She sat back in her seat, doing her best to shake off the impending feeling of doom. They were safe, the explosion hadn’t hurt them. But if the bomb had been planted just to prevent her from speaking with Jake, she couldn’t help feeling more nervous than ever about confronting her ex-husband.

Her idea, remember? She took slow deep breaths to lower her stress level. She needed to remain calm for her baby’s sake. No matter what happened during the meeting, Steele and Brock would protect her. No question about that. Words couldn’t hurt her.

Well, they might wound her on an emotional level, but she would do her best to ignore whatever scathing comments Jake threw her way. He was the one who’d been arrested and tossed in jail.

And the one who’d agreed to testify against Tommy Grotto to save his own skin.

“You’re sure you’re, okay?” Steele frowned, concern darkening his blue eyes.

“Yes.” As okay as she could be considering the circumstances. There was a part of her that wanted to raise her fist at God, asking why he was punishing her like this. Hadn’t she paid enough for her bad decision to marry Jake?

“We’re here,” Brock said. “Looks like Joe and Raelyn are outside waiting for us.”

She noticed the two cops dressed in full tactical gear standing like sentries on either side of the door. She sincerely hoped there wasn’t any danger nearby. When Brock rolled up alongside the doorway, Joe’s eyes widened in shock.

“Wow, looks like you drove past a sand blaster.” He shook his head and winced. “Most of the paint is gone along the back of the SUV. That’s going to cost a pretty penny to fix.”

“At least we’re alive to talk about it,” Brock shot back. “Thankfully, I paid for the extra insurance.”

“Smart move.” Joe stepped forward to open her door.

“Been there, done that,” Brock said half under his breath. “Standard operating procedure from now on.”

She unbuckled her seat belt and scooted over to get out of the car. Joe stayed on one side, with Raelyn coming up to stand at the other. If the situation wasn’t so dire, she’d joke about being treated like a movie star. Steele joined them, taking up a position behind her as they made their way inside.

“Have a seat over here.” Steele gestured toward a desk chair in a cubicle. “I need to speak with Rhy.”

She shrugged, dropping into the empty seat. Glancing around, she wondered if Jake was here in one of the interview rooms or if the ATF agents assigned to protect him were still on the road.

Raelyn hovered nearby. “Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee?”

“Water would be nice.” She managed a smile.

“Coming up.” Raelyn disappeared into a room off to the side, which she assumed was some sort of break room.

They’d originally left the hotel with plenty of time, but she’d noticed Brock took a major detour after leaving the scene of the explosion. He strode toward her cubicle. “Where’s Steele?”

“He wanted to talk to Rhy. Is Jake here yet?”

“They’re only ten minutes out.” Brock shrugged. “They’re bringing him in through the back too. Come with me, we’re going to have you wait in Rhy’s office until they’re settled in the conference room.”

“Okay.” Raelyn joined them, handing Harper a bottle of water. She followed Brock to Rhy’s office.

“I’m concerned about the ATF—” Steele abruptly stopped talking when he noticed they were all behind him. “What’s going on?”

“It’s better if Harper sits here until Jake and the ATF agents are settled in the conference room,” Brock explained. He shot a glance at Rhy. “They’ll be here in ten. You okay with that?”

“Sure, come in, Harper.” Steele stepped aside so she could take the chair.

“Thanks.” She wasn’t sure all this subterfuge was necessary, but considering the recent explosion, she understood they weren’t taking any chances. She sipped her water, willing her stomach to settle. It was a good thing they’d skipped breakfast.

“We’ll check all options,” Rhy said, apparently responding to Steele’s comment. “Michaels is on board.”

Steele nodded, his expression still set in a scowl.

An uncomfortable silence fell between them. Finally, Brock said, “Steele ditched his phone. I’m going to head out to get replacements.”

“Take a squad,” Rhy advised. “Your damaged SUV will stand out like a sore thumb.”