Page 55 of Steele

“I want to do this, to confront him once and for all.” She eyed him over the rim of her cup. “But I’ll also be glad when it’s over.”

Right there with you, he thought with a sigh.

When the room service coffee arrived, he refilled his cup. Then he called Rhy. “I assume it’s a go?”

“Yes. Feldman is en route.” There was a brief pause before Rhy continued, “He has no idea what the meeting is about. The ATF agents are hoping to gauge his reaction to seeing Harper alive and well.”

“Yeah.” He glanced at Harper, who appeared lost in thought. “Listen, I’m planning to head over to the precinct early. Brock is meeting us here in about thirty minutes. I’d like some time to talk if you can squeeze me in.”

“Not a problem,” Rhy assured him. “Let me know when you get here.”

“I will. Thanks.” He ended the call. “We’re a go. Are you sure you don’t want breakfast? Brock will be here soon, but we can wait a bit.”

Wrinkling her nose, she shook her head. “Not now. Maybe we can pick something up after the meeting. I’m sure my stomach will be settled by then.”

He frowned. “Are you due to see your OB doctor soon?”

“Not for another week.” She waved a hand dismissively. “I’m fine. Nothing less stress won’t cure.”

He let it go, knowing Harper would never intentionally allow anything to happen to her baby. If she was concerned, she’d tell him.

Women had babies all the time. Even though they’d been in danger, she hadn’t overtaxed herself physically. Jumping the fence had been the worst.

But emotionally, yeah. That came with being framed for murder. And running from constant danger.

His phone buzzed with a text from Brock.On the road. Will be there in fifteen.

He thought about that, and answered,We’ll meet you at the side exit.

Brock sent a quickOkin reply.

“We’ll be meeting Brock shortly,” he told Harper. “How are your feet?”

“Fine. The blisters are healing nicely.” She set her empty cup aside and stood. “I’ll use the bathroom quick, then we can go.”

Less than five minutes later, she returned to the living area. He held his coat for her. Thankfully, his vest kept him warm enough.

She walked into the hall and turned as if to go to the lobby.

“This way.” He caught her hand. “Brock will meet us at the side exit.”

“Got it.” She didn’t pull out of his grasp, her small fingers warm within his.

When they reached the end of the hall, he paused at the door, peering out through the glass to look for Brock. There was no sign of his teammate, or anyone else.

The rental SUV was right where he’d left it.

Five full minutes passed before he saw Brock’s SUV. His teammate had taken the time to back in so that Harper could slip directly into the back seat, leaving Steele to slide into the passenger seat.

He opened the door, then used his body as a shield so Harper could get inside. Then he slid into the passenger seat. He glanced at Brock as he slammed his car door. “Let’s hit it...”

A loud explosion cut him off midsentence. Brock’s vehicle jolted wildly from the blast, and his buddy instinctively slammed his foot down on the accelerator, getting them out of there.

Steele twisted in his seat, stunned at seeing the rental SUV parked behind them engulfed in flames.


Her ears were ringing from the blast. Harper noticed Steele and Brock were talking but couldn’t hear what they were saying. The vehicle had literally left the pavement from the force of the explosion, but as far as she could tell, their car was still working. Brock was driving away from the City Central Hotel as fast as traffic would allow.