Page 8 of Steele

And you couldn’t get any more innocent than Harper Crane and her baby.

Maybe keeping them safe would help him heal some of his grief over losing Monique and Amelia. Two women he hadn’t been able to protect.

Shaking off those troubled thoughts, he turned to face Harper. “Would you like coffee? Or breakfast?”

“I don’t suppose you have herbal tea?”

He hated crushing her hopeful expression. “No, sorry.” He didn’t know a single person who drank herbal tea, then belatedly realized she was avoiding caffeine because of her pregnancy. “I have decaf, though.”

She nodded. “Okay, that works. Thanks.”

“I’ll be right back.” He gratefully ducked into the kitchen. He needed to get these overprotective instincts under control. Yes, she was pregnant and therefore more vulnerable than other witnesses. But he couldn’t afford to be distracted by her condition.

As he made a pot of decaf coffee, he silently acknowledged the smartest thing would be to hand Harper over to someone else. Any cop could be stationed with her at the safe house. He and the rest of the tactical team were better off being out on the street, trying to find Grotto or his goons.

Yeah, that’s exactly what he’d do. Once they had the safe house arranged, he’d drop Harper off and move on with the investigation.

Satisfied, he filled a mug for her, then called out, “Do you want milk and sugar?”

“Milk, please,” she responded. “I’m avoiding sugar these days.”

He added milk and carried the coffee into the living room. She was sitting with her feet up. It was disconcerting at how easily she made herself at home in his space. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” She cradled the mug in her hands as if needing the warmth. “I hope you don’t mind. My feet hurt in these stupid shoes.”

He arched a brow. “Why do you wear them?”

She flushed. “Because I’m supposed to dress in business attire. Trent Gibson and his partner both wear suits. Being pregnant has made my feet swell, so the shoes don’t fit as well as they used to. But I have a pair of slippers beneath the desk in my office. I can usually get away with wearing the slippers for a big chunk of my day.”

Her phone rang, startling them both. She pulled it from her purse, then grimaced. “Speaking of which, this is Trent now. I promised I’d be in to work.”

“Let me talk to him.” He held out his hand for the phone.

She shook her head, answering it herself. “Hi, Trent, I’m sorry, but it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to make it in today after all.”

He watched her closely, but she didn’t give any hint as to what her boss was saying.

“Yes, I was targeted by gunfire,” she said, avoiding his gaze. “I’m sorry that I brought danger to the office.”

That made him mad. He reached over and plucked the phone from her fingers. “Attorney Gibson? This is Officer Delaney. I’m holding Ms. Crane in protective custody. I’m sure you can understand our concern for her well-being and that of her unborn child.”

“Yes, of course,” Trent said hastily. “But having so many cops outside the office building isn’t good for business.”

Why, because you defend criminals?He managed not to say the words. “I’m sure you can agree that an innocent woman and her baby deserve to be safe regardless of the inconvenience.”

“Yes, yes, of course. I—uh, just tell Harper, I mean, Ms. Crane that I’ll put her out on sick leave. She should take as much time as she needs.”

“I will. Thanks for your cooperation.” Steele ended the call before he could say something he’d regret. Well, he wouldn’t regret it, but Harper might. “Your boss is putting you out on sick leave.”

“That will give me less time off after the baby is born.” She nibbled her lower lip between her teeth. “I only get six weeks of paid medical leave. I was hoping to extend my time off with personal days.”

It struck him that as a soon-to-be single mother, she probably wouldn’t have the support she’d need. She’d be taking care of an infant all alone.

And why did he care? Harper’s maternity leave wasn’t any of his concern.

“It’s more important that you and the baby are safe.” He tossed the phone between them and rose to his feet. What he needed was distance.

And for Joe and Rhy to get that safe house arranged ASAP.