Page 70 of Steele

“Got it.” He ended the call.

“I doubt I’ll recognize them,” Harper said with a frown.

“I know.” He reached for her hand. “All we ask is that you do your best. As soon as we review these pictures, we’ll head to the safe house.”

“I like the sound of that.”

He did too. His phone dinged with a text. He opened the message and clicked on the first image. He handed her the phone.

She examined the young man’s features closely, then shook her head. “No, sorry.”

He didn’t show his disappointment. This was a long shot anyway. He took the phone and brought up the next picture.

She frowned, then slowly nodded. “He looks vaguely familiar. He kind of reminds me of one of the photographs you showed me that first day. After I was nearly abducted.”

Battling a wave of excitement, he called Rhy back. “Okay, I need Raelyn to send copies of all eighteen photos we showed Harper that first day. Rae put together three six-packs. I need them as soon as possible.”

“She’ll do that now, before she heads to the safe house.”

“Thanks.” He lowered the phone, then started the car. It would take her a few minutes to get them together. In the meantime, he could head to Ravenswood.

They drove in silence for several minutes. When his phone began to ping, he waited until it stopped before passing it to Harper. “Take your time. There will be eighteen photos to review.”

“Okay.” She seemed happy to have something to do. Maybe it would take her mind off her boss’s attack and their recent near miss.

He was grateful for his sharpshooting skills, since taking aim at a moving vehicle from an awkward position wasn’t easy. He made a mental note to head back to the range once this was over. Maybe Jina was onto something with her constant practicing.

He drove onto the interstate, heading in the opposite direction for several miles before getting off and getting back on again. He didn’t see anyone following them but kept his gaze sharp as he headed toward Ravenswood.

Harper was still reviewing mug shots. Eighteen pictures on a small phone screen were a lot to get through. Yet he noticed she was quick to finish with some but then spent a much longer period of time with others.

Anticipation rippled through him. Maybe they should have considered a link between Otterson and her ex-husband’s gunrunning business sooner.

“Okay, you might think I’m crazy, but there’s a photograph here that I thought looked somewhat familiar before.” She turned the screen toward him. He was shocked to see Tommy Grotto’s face. “But he’s not Hispanic, like the two guys who were killed.”

He was confused. “Okay, then how is he familiar?”

“He has some facial features that remind me of Neil Otterson.” She flushed and shrugged. “I didn’t make that connection back when the abduction happened. But the more I look at him now, the more I see a resemblance to Neil Otterson.”

“You mean, he could be a relative? A nephew, half brother, or son?” he asked.

“I know it sounds crazy. But they have the same eyes, the same cleft chin. I don’t know, maybe it’s just my imagination.”

“Show me the picture again.” He wished they had a photo of Neil Otterson to compare it to. He’d looked at the guy’s mug shot, but that was a while ago.

She turned the phone toward him.

“Okay, you could be right. But what about the Hispanic victim? I thought you said he looked familiar?”

“I know, hang on.” She went back to looking through the phone. “The first victim looks a little like this picture too.”

That mug shot she showed him wasn’t familiar, as far as being involved in the case. But that doesn’t mean the two men weren’t connected in some way. Maybe they were brothers or cousins who were both involved in the drug running operation. And maybe it wasn’t Tommy Grotto who was in charge but Neil Otterson.

“Okay, do me a favor and text Rhy back with your observations. They can dig a little deeper into extended family connections between both pairs of men.”

“Okay.” She tapped the keys on his phone. He exited the interstate, choosing to take several side streets before reaching the safe house.

Less than thirty seconds passed before his phone rang. He gestured for Harper to answer.