Page 58 of Steele

“Will do.” Brock turned and left.

A few minutes later, Rhy’s phone rang. He picked up the receiver. “Finnegan.” He looked thoughtful as he listened, then said, “Okay, we’ll bring her in shortly.”

Her stomach knotted. “He’s here?”

“Yes.” Rhy smiled reassuringly. “Steele and Raelyn will be with you the entire time.”

“Okay.” She stood. Raelyn led the way, with Steele staying close behind her.

It was the same interview room she’d been in before. Raelyn opened the door and crossed the threshold. Then she gestured for Harper to come in. Her gaze was focused on Jake, the man she hadn’t seen in over seven months, except on TV during his arrest.

He smirked, then his jaw dropped as his gaze focused on her belly. The shock was too real to be faked.

Jake had not known she was pregnant with their child.

* * *

Well,well, well, Steele thought. Feldman hadn’t known about Harper’s pregnancy. Maybe the guy wasn’t communicating with anyone to coordinate these attacks.

“Why are you trying to kill me?” Harper’s blunt question caught them all off guard.

“I’m not.” Jake scowled. “Why didn’t you tell me you were knocked up?”

“You didn’t arrange for me to be kidnapped outside the law office where I work?” Harper persisted, ignoring his question. “Or hire someone to shoot me?”

“What is this?” Jake demanded, raking his gaze around the room. “What’s she talking about?”

To Steele’s eye, Feldman’s surprise appeared real. He hadn’t known about the baby or the abduction attempt or the shootings.

“Your ex-wife is in grave danger,” Steele said. “Seems someone from within your organization wants to kill her. Any idea why?”

“That’s ridiculous,” Jake snapped. “She doesn’t know anything.”

“Clearly, someone believes she does,” Steele drawled. “Hence the recent attacks.”

Jake appeared nervous. “Look, I don’t have any control over Grotto and Brooks. If they’re going after her, it’s nothing to do with me.”

“Be serious,” one of the ATF agents said. “Obviously, an attack against your ex-wife is all about you.”

Jake’s wrists were cuffed to the table, but he turned his hands palms up. “I don’t know anything about that! How could I? You’ve kept me under lock and key for months now.”

Again, he came across as believable. Yet Steele wasn’t convinced. “What information do you have on Grotto and Brooks? We need to find them ASAP.”

“I don’t know where they are,” Feldman protested. “I gave the ATF the names of their contacts in Chicago and Detroit.”

“You must know where they would be hiding out,” Harper said. She leaned forward. “Did you know they brutally killed Ellis? Shot him execution style in the back of his head?”

The color drained from Jake’s face. “When?”

“Tell us what you know.” Steele stepped closer to the table, lightly resting his hand on Harper’s shoulder. He’d wanted to give her a chance to confront her ex, but giving the guy information on an active investigation wasn’t part of the plan.

Feldman glanced from one ATF agent to the other. Finally, he said, “Grotto had a place in the Third Ward. I don’t know if he’s still using it, though.”

“Where in the Third Ward?” Steele demanded.

Feldman gave him an address. The ATF agent to Feldman’s right pulled out his phone and sent a message, likely to either Perkins or Banner. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” the ATF agent asked.

Feldman hunched his shoulders. “You guys gotta promise to keep me safe.”