Page 5 of Steele

She didn’t say anything until he pulled up to the skyscraper housing the prestigious law offices of Gibson and Roberts. Ironically, their specialty was criminal defense. They made their money defending people like her ex-husband. “Off—er—Steele, will I be safe going home tonight?”

“Do you have friends or family you can stay with?”

“Not really. My parents passed away last year.” She grimaced and reached for her door handle. “Never mind. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

“Hold on.” He slipped out from behind the wheel, raking his gaze over the area as he went around the back to her side. He opened her door for her. “I’ll walk you inside.”

As she emerged from the squad, the sound of gunfire reverberated around them.

“Get in! Keep your head down!” He shoved her back down inside the squad and used his radio to call for backup. When another bullet shattered the windshield, he hunkered down behind the vehicle, trying to pinpoint the location of the shooter.

The answer to her question was a big fat no. Harper Crane was far from safe. And he still wasn’t sure why she’d been targeted.


What was going on? Harper huddled down in the front seat of the squad, trying to make herself as small as possible. Why were men who’d worked for her ex-husband trying to kidnap her?

To kill her?

Her belly made it impossible for her to get her head down very far, barely hidden behind the dashboard, and she silently prayed for God to protect her.

Please, Lord Jesus, please? Keep us safe in Your care!

The prayer didn’t calm her nerves as the wail of sirens split the air. Her body trembled from fear or the cold. Why was this happening?

“Harper? Are you okay?”

Steele’s voice pierced her thoughts. Cautiously, she lifted her head just enough to see him standing near her passenger-side window.

She belatedly realized the windshield had been struck by the gunfire, the glass shattering inward. Nothing hurt, but she ran her hands up and down her arms anyway to be sure. Thankfully, she didn’t find any blood.

“I—don’t know.” Fear had gripped her brain, making it difficult to think clearly.

“Come on, we’re getting you out of here.”

She didn’t move. “Where?”

“Your vehicle. Come with me, hurry.” Steele gripped her arm and tugged her from the squad, leaving her little choice in the matter. He surprised her by clamping his arm around her shoulders and half covering her body with his.

The parking lot was five blocks away, but somehow, the distance didn’t seem as long as it had earlier today.

Was that really only ninety minutes ago?

Her stupid shoes slipped on the icy ground, but Steele was holding her so tightly against him that she didn’t fall. His arm was like a vice around her, giving her the sense that he’d pick her up and carry her if she couldn’t keep up.

“Keys?” His voice was a low rumble near her ear.

“Uh, in my purse.” How she’d managed to hang on to her purse through all of this was a mystery. She managed to get the bag up so she could grab the key fob. She didn’t have a fancy car, just a plain, ordinary blue Chevy sedan.

He took the fob and quickly unlocked the car. Then he helped her slide into the passenger seat. She didn’t protest, even though it was her car. Her fingers were still trembling so much she doubted she’d be able to drive.

Steele pulled out of the parking lot, heading in the opposite direction of the law offices. Glancing at her, he reached over to crank the heat on high.

As if that would help her to stop shaking.

“Wh-where are we g-going?”

“Far from here” was his grim response. He glanced at her briefly before turning his attention to the road. “That was too close.”