Page 27 of Steele

“I thought the same thing during my pregnancy. Extra-large only works in the early months. And maternity clothes are much cuter.” Devon turned and led the way back downstairs. “Try not to worry. I know Steele, Joe, and the rest of the tactical team will continue to keep you safe.”

Her throat closed with emotion, knowing she was right. She was alive only because Steele, Brock, and Joe had been there.

The sound of a baby crying reached her ears. Rhy was swaying from side to side with Colleen in his arms. “Hey, it’s okay. Mommy’s here.”

“Aw, is she getting hungry?” Devon crossed to her husband. Rhy wrapped his arm around her shoulders, bringing her in for a sweet kiss.

“She is.” Rhy chuckled. “Impatient young lady.”

Devon laughed and eased the baby from his arms. Rhy kissed her again, and Harper had to tear her gaze away from the love radiating between the couple.

Her heart aching for something she’d never have.

* * *

Steele didn’t knowthe source of sadness in Harper’s gaze, but when his phone pinged with a text from Joe, he quickly read it out loud. “The shooter escaped.”

“Not good.” Rhy frowned, his gaze briefly following his wife as she headed upstairs with the baby. Then he turned to face Steele. “I was hoping that Gary’s cameras would help us grab him.”

“They’re primarily focused on protecting the building and occupants, not the entire property.” Steele grimaced. “Although I was hoping we’d get him too.”

“I don’t understand,” Harper spoke up. “How did he get away?”

“It’s hard to chase a gunman when he’s shooting.” Steele sighed. “Maybe if Joe hadn’t had to get us out of there, they could have gotten to him.”

“So it’s my fault.” Harper’s tone was full of regret.

“No, it’s the gunman’s fault.” Rhy dug into his pocket, producing a set of car keys. “I think you should take my SUV. I can hitch a ride to work in the morning with one of the guys. I’d rather you have a set of wheels.”

“Are you sure?” He caught the key fob Rhy tossed to him. “We can try another rental tomorrow.”

“Just use my SUV for now,” Rhy said. His gaze darted to Harper. “Are you sure you’re not hurt? Baby is okay?”

“I’m not hurt.” Harper’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. “Nothing a little rest and sleep won’t cure.”

“Yeah, I’ve had her running a lot over the past day and a half,” Steele admitted. “We need another place to stay. Not here,” he hastily added. “Maybe another hotel.”

“How about the City Central Hotel downtown?” Rhy pulled out his phone. “I can call and arrange for a suite. They’re on the ground floor, down the hall from the lobby.”

“You sound as if you’ve spent a lot of time there,” Harper said.

Rhy barked out a laugh. “You could say that. Our family has used it as a refuge several times over the past year.”

Steele didn’t want to admit that Elly had been found there just last month. The same way she’d been found at the American Lodge. Was it a mistake to go to the same place? He wasn’t sure, except they had found the tracking device. Harper didn’t have her phone, her purse, her shoes, or her coat. She was wearing all new, albeit borrowed, clothing.

He didn’t see how they could be tracked to the City Central Hotel. He curled his fingers around the keys. “Thanks, Rhy. If you could arrange for a suite, I’d be grateful.”

“Consider it done.” Rhy scrolled through his phone, then turned away to make the call.

“I’m glad we’re not staying here,” Harper said in a low tone. “I would never forgive myself if Devon and Colleen were in danger.”

“I wasn’t going to let that happen either,” he assured her. It was bad enough knowing Harper was pregnant. Keeping mom and baby safe was proving far more difficult than he’d anticipated. “We’ll hit the road soon.”

“I thought Joe and Brock were meeting us here?” She tipped her head to the side. “And why do they call it the homestead?”

“The Finnegan home has always been called that; it was a nickname their parents used.” He sent a quick response to Joe. “Joe and Brock will be tied up at the scene for a while anyway. They can meet us at the hotel later.”

“Okay, that’s fine.” She ran her fingers through her blond hair. “It would be nice to feel safe.”