Page 10 of Steele

But there were other times, like when Kyle had been murdered by a crazed gunman or Monique being killed by a drunk driver, that made it difficult to understand the mere concept of faith.

Movement outside the window caught his eye again. His gaze narrowed as he saw the same brown SUV pass by.

Not a coincidence.

“Put your shoes and coat on,” he said curtly as he grabbed his own jacket. “Hurry.”

“What’s wrong?” To her credit, Harper did as she was told, slipping her feet into the flat dress shoes and reaching for her coat and purse.

“We need to get out of here.” The words had barely left his mouth when the passenger window of the car lowered, revealing a gloved hand holding a gun.

The passenger fired several rounds in quick succession, aiming directly at Harper’s blue sedan.

“This way. Hurry!” He tugged her through the house to the back door. The problem was that his backyard was surrounded by white fencing. Not chain link that could be seen through, but solid white boards mounted side by side. The previous owner had dogs, and he wished he’d gotten the dog he’d planned on too.

“Where are we going?” Harper’s voice was tight with fear. “Is there a way through the fence?”

“No, we’re going over it.” He led her to the southeast corner of the lot. There was a slight hill there, making it slightly easier to get up and over the fence.

“I can’t!” Harper stumbled as he tugged her through the yard. “It’s too high!”

“I’ll help you.” Upon reaching the corner, he turned and made a stirrup with his hands. “Step here. I’ll get you over.”

“What if I fall?” Her blue eyes were wide with fear and doubt. “The baby...”

“Hurry.” There wasn’t time to debate the merits of the plan. They needed to get away from here.

She stepped into his hand, then gasped when he levered her up to the top of the fence. She gripped the edge and managed to swing one leg over the top, then the other. It wasn’t a picket fence, thankfully, but still difficult to do while being pregnant. She hung there for a minute, then let go, falling to the ground.

He didn’t hesitate to vault over the fence too. He quickly raked a gaze over her. “Are you hurt?”

Looking dazed, she shook her head.

“Good. Follow me.” He took her hand and headed through his neighbor’s yard, using his radio to call for backup as they ran.


Harper had never in her entire life climbed over a fence and had trouble believing she’d done it now, especially while seven months and one week pregnant. Her breath heaved in and out of her lungs as she struggled to keep pace with Steele’s long strides. He led her through one backyard and another, her feet freezing in the stupid shoes. As she slipped and stumbled for what seemed like the tenth time, staying upright only because of Steele’s strong hand on hers, she silently vowed to never wear them again. She didn’t care what Trent Gibson said about office attire, she was showing up in warm running shoes from now on.

If she survived long enough to return to work.

When Steele stopped at the corner of a house, she leaned gratefully against the brick, gulping deep breaths of badly needed oxygen.

“You’re doing great,” he whispered, his gaze keenly sweeping the area. “Brock will be here soon.”

Brock Greer didn’t like her, yet she knew Steele’s partner wouldn’t let his feelings prevent him from keeping her safe. Still, it bugged her that he’d taken an instant dislike to her. She was a nice person. Didn’t hurt anyone. Sure, she’d made a mistake marrying Jake, but no one was perfect.

“Ready?” Steele’s question penetrated her thoughts.

“For what?” She thought they’d stay there until Brock arrived.

“We need to keep moving.” Steele flashed what was likely supposed to be a reassuring smile as he gently squeezed her hand. “Let’s go.”

Realizing he’d only stopped for her sake, she pushed away from the brick wall. “Okay.”

Steele led the way, leaving the yard to reach the street. He turned north, moving past a few houses before once again darting through someone’s private property. Considering it was daytime, she found it hard to believe no one noticed them trespassing.

Or maybe they had been spotted, and one of the neighbors had called the police. That wouldn’t be the worst thing since Steele was still dressed in his full uniform.