Chapter 29
I arrive at the motel where Alex and Zeva are, adrenaline still coursing through my veins. Jason and I have been combing the city and luckily Alex found her before something really bad happened. We go inside, look for their room, and I rap my knuckles against the door. Alex opens it, and my eyes dart to Zeva right away; she’s looking shaken but freshly fucked.
I guess Alex did all he could to comfort her.
What? I’m not fucking jealous. But couldn't he wait for us?
"Fuck, we've been looking for you everywhere, Zeva. I'm so glad Alex found you," I hold her and then push her gently away so that I can check every point on her body for bruises, scrapes, any kind of injury.
I see a few cuts on her stomach and my eyes darken in anger. The Iron Legion is going to go down in flames for this. I'll make them pay.
“I got there just in time,” Alex tells me, and the darkness in his eyes tells me everything I need to know. To think Zeva was almost raped by one of those disgusting assholes.
It makes my skin crawl.
But they’ll pay. Oh, they’ll pay.
I kiss her and hold her, my most precious possession in the world. Jason too wants to get in on this. We have been frenzied trying to find her. Now all of that is washing away as we see our girl safe.
"Hmm, Alex seems to have made you feel better," Jason chuckles, and then kisses her.
"Yeah," she says, releasing from his lips and laughing softly. "He made me feel all kinds of better."
Alex smirks from his position on the bed. I wish we had time to get things steamy again in here, but all I'm seeing is red.
And that's all I will see until the war is over.
Now that I see her safe, though, I have to admit I'm feeling a little angry at the way she snuck out of the compound and straight into danger.
"Zeva," my tone is commanding. "What were you thinking leaving the house like that? Didn't you even consider how dangerous it would be? You were almost killed the night before, for fuck's sake. Can't you be more careful? We're in the throes of a war here."
She backs down from my anger, her eyes downcast.
"I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, Zeva,” I whisper, closing in on her, “but you have to realize the amount of danger you're in."
Jason's pissed too. We have to scold her at least a little bit for what she's done. I wish we had the time to punish her with our giant cocks in all the right places, but there's a fight happening that we need to get into.
Jason says, "Zeva, you escaped from me. How could you? You know I might've brought you to the hospital if only you had asked."
He's done it. He can’t hide his frustration, and he's made her cry.
"I'm sorry," she pleads. "I just heard about what happened to Tammi, and I had to get to her right away. I didn't even think about anything else. I just went. I'm sorry."
The tears melt us. It works every time. Now I want to fuck her slowly and tenderly, and let her know that I will always love her no matter how many times she defies me.
Jason goes to comfort her. He lays kisses all over her body and her mouth. Then he starts to move south to her pussy but I stop him. "Jason, we have work to do. This will have to wait until later."
He stops kissing her slim stomach and I see the faint ripple of her gorgeous abs. I want to be the one there between her legs. I want to reveal all passion to her after having been so close to losing her. They each have had a taste of Zeva since the shooting at her house but I have been preoccupied.
I wish now was the time to tenderize her but it just isn't.
"Come on, guys. We need to form a plan. This madness stops tonight." I have to take charge. I am the leader of the MC and it's time to pull out all the stops.
Jason releases Zeva and we all convene at the little table in the corner of motel room. Luckily there's whiskey to help calm the fierce anger coursing through my body.
"So, Wade," Alex says. "What's our next step?"