Chapter 3
Watching Zeva is absolutely enchanting.
Wade, Alex, and I are all staring, pretty comfortable with the fact that we all have enough tent space pitched in our pants to house an entire Boy Scout troop between us. We quickly realize she’s staring at us, and that she probably has been since well before we dismissed our respective consorts. Not that it’s a huge concern. It’s well known that any of us could pull down any pussy that walks in here, and between the three of us I’m pretty certain everyone but Zeva has worn our cum.
Zeva, though ... she’s a different story. We all want her and it’s no secret. Everyone does, let’s be honest, but she deserves the top. That’s exactly what we are, both literally and figuratively. I’ve been Wade’s right hand almost from the very beginning; it was only a few months after Zeva’s dad died that the dumbass old VP went on a suicide mission trying to avenge him. That’s old news though, and I get the feeling Zeva is tired of playing princess.
To further confirm my guess she starts to put on a pretty different show up on stage. It’s no longer a dance. She’s taunting us. Daring us to do what everyone else is too chicken shit to do. I don’t know about Alex for sure, but Wade and I would gun anyone down for the chance to climb mount V.
We comment back and forth quietly as she puts on her show just for us. It’s not only that she’s gorgeous, but she pulls off moves no other dancer has the gall to even try. Her movements are absolutely perfect. Her dances are just flawless. She knows how to hold the room in the palm of her hand with every motion she makes, and it drives everyone fucking wild.
“Anyone new who walks in here would have no clue she’s a virgin,” I say, finishing my drink.
“I dunno about that. There’s an air about her, even when you first meet her,” Wade replies as he places his own empty bottle next to the four others before they are collected by a waitress. “She shows she’s untouchable. Not just because of her family. It’s herself. She knows who she’s good enough for.”
I shrug and nod. He has a point. She knows she deserves to sit at the top. With us, I’d say.
Her dance ends, much to the bar’s collective disappointment. You can practically hear the amount of fabric straining at its seams in the room. Zeva gathers up her cash, piling it into a bag as usual. There was no way she could ever carry the stacks she normally got. One of the waitresses grabs her bag for her and takes it to the back as she pulls her tight dress on. Personally I like her in those clothes. She knows how to dress to impress, on and off the stage. This time she breaks her normal routine though.
She walks straight to our table.
“You boys don’t look like a few songs are quite enough,” she says, sitting her hip on our table. “Mind if I practice a little with someone in the VIP?”
Alex looks slightly caught off guard. Maybe he didn’t really get the clue as she was staring at us while dripping on the stage.
“I still have a fair amount of cash for the evening,” Alex says. “I was planning to spend a little time in there at some point anyways.”
Wade nods in agreement. “Who would we be to refuse a girl like you, Zeva?”
I just nod in agreement with the other two.
“You’re not gonna make me choose between you big boys, are you?” Zeva says, smiling as she bends over to show off her ample cleavage. Her pale breasts heave with each breath as she studies our reactions. I notice her nipples are at full stiffness from the thoughts she’s having.
We all exchange eye contact. A thousand thoughts and questions are flying back and forth between us silently. Sure, we’re comfortable with each other, but we’re each wondering if the others are as comfortable. Personally I think it’d be a big step in our brotherhood. We’ve shared bloodshed, but a first blood? Not something too many guys can say, huh? Honestly I don’t think sharing is all that bad, and these are my buddies I’m talking about.
My brothers-in-arms.
If I’d share a girl like Zeva with anyone, it’d be them. We come to a silent agreement after a few moments and all nod at her. Her actions and intentions are more than clear; this won’t be your run of the mill lap dance.
“Lovely then,” she says.
She glances over at the bar and nods, and barely a moment passes before one of the waitresses brings us four open beers. Alex and I both take a big swig, and by the time we drop our bottles we realize Zeva has already downed the entire bottle, and winks at our surprise. She really is a true biker princess at heart isn’t she? She just wants to make her body match, and we’re more than happy to do so.
She leads the way for us. Not that we don’t know exactly where the private booth is, or why half the stains in here are where they are, but it’s also about the experience right? We enter the room and take seats with a respectable distance from each other, but not uncomfortably far. Just giving each other some leg room.
This is going to be fun.