I’m so still – stuck to my seat at the dining table. Considering what just happened and how close I came to losing my life, I think I'm holding up pretty well. He raps on the screen door.
"Come in," I say without emotion as though I’m a ghost. The reality of it all, this war, is finally sinking in. The Iron Legion is after me.
They tried to kill me.
Look at my house. Everything is a testament to the fact that I'm under attack. I start to shiver at the realization and I'm so thankful Cole is here.
The dogs go crazy and I realize even a sheriff won't enter until I contain them. They can't protect me under a siege of bullets though and I'm just so glad they also appear to fine.
"Come you guys, out!" I plead.
I shoo them out the back door so that they don't kill Cole. They’d probably attack him considering the scene we've just been through.
"It's okay Cole, come on in. I'm sorry I didn't get up earlier. I'm just so overcome by what just happened."
"Are you okay?" He is genuinely concerned and he's at my side checking me over, making sure I didn't get wounded in the crossfire.
"I am fine, I think. That was so intense. I'm upset but I did not get hit. I'm sure." There's no blood and he seems relieved to see that I'm in one piece. "Did you see what happened?"
"I did. I saw you deliver a few rounds back. You're a pretty good aim. I thought you were gonna knock that tire out for sure. But then they would have gotten out and approached you so I'm glad that didn't happen. Things got really bad."
"Cole, I've never been in a shoot out before." I'm shaking from trauma and he gets a blanket from the couch, shakes the glass off it and wraps it around my shoulders.
"Thanks," I say. Cole seems like a nice guy. I wonder why he and Wade can't just get past whatever their issue is. "Hey Cole, what are you doing here anyway?" I don't mean to be ungrateful but I'm genuinely curious.
"I thought you might be a target so I've had a watch on your house."
"Why would I be a target for them? I don't understand."
"You really don't know?" He looks astonished. "It's because of how Wade and the other guys feel about you."
"You mean you know about us?" I ask, my eyes widening.
"Um, yeah. I think everyone does,” he says with a smirk.
I am truly surprised. I thought our thing was a secret.
"But Cole, we only just got together. Why would anyone assume we have such a deep relationship?” I press. “They’re all very flippant with girls. I guess you could even call them players."
"Is that what you think?” he asks me, almost incredulous.“Please, my brother's had feelings for you forever, for years. He's not gonna play you."
"He has?" Now I’m shocked.
"You really didn't know?" he continues.
"I didn't." I say, shaking my head.
"Well, he has, but could do better, you know,” he answers.
I rush to Wade's defense. "No Cole, he's a really good guy. Like you are. I don't understand why you guys can't hash out your differences. I mean, you are family. Family is all that matters."
"Yeah well, unfortunately, you can't choose your blood,” he says with finality.
"I know,” I say slowly but continue undeterred. “And that's exactly why you guys need to sort this out and come to depend on each other. Cole, trust me, you don't want to wait until it's too late."
I wonder if he knows that I'm remembering how I lost my dad. Whether he does or not he ignores my point.
Instead, he starts looking around to survey the damage. "Look what they've done here."