Page 71 of Silent Lies

“I’m not sure.”

The bedframe creaks above me. A hand grabs the hem of the bedcover, pulling it up, and Tara’s face materializes in front of mine.

“I asked Keva about you,” she says, looking at me upside down. “She called you a volcano of happiness. Always cheerful and smiling. You don’t seem very cheerful to me.”

“Fuck you, Tara.”

She wrinkles her nose, a bit of a sneer taking over her face. “She also said you’re super nice. I guess she got that part wrong, too.”

“I’m not going to be nice to someone who called me a bitch.”

“Fair enough.” She shrugs, her hair swaying with the movement.

“So, what did my brother do? Did he threaten to lock you in your room, as well?”

“Nope,” I say, staring at the wood frame just over my head. “He’s just working on getting himself killed.”

“And why do you care? You only married him because your don ordered you to.”

“I don’t care.”

“Oh yeah? Why are you crying, then?”

“It’s the dust,” I mumble and try to wriggle my arm up to wipe my eyes, but there isn’t enough space.


The sound of steps and Drago calling my name still echo through the hall, but they’re fading. He’s probably moved on to the floor below.

“I think he’s gone. You can come out now.”

“I’m quite fine here, thank you,” I say.

Tara widens her eyes at me and snorts. “Move over.”

I watch in confusion as she gets down to the floor and slides under the bed next to me.

“I’m sorry for calling you a bitch,” Tara mutters.

“I’m sorry Cosa Nostra killed your boyfriend.”

We fall silent for a moment. Just before it starts feeling awkward, Tara takes a deep breath. “He was cheating on me. We broke up a week before he died, but I didn’t tell Drago.”

I tilt my head to the side to look at her. “Why not?”

“Because I didn’t want him to know I also failed at that.”

“Failed? The guy cheated on you.”

“I cheated on him, too.” She shrugs. “It’s like I can’t do anything right. Drago saved the wrong sister.”

“What do you mean?”

Tara closes her eyes. “When the bomb went off in our home, Drago was downstairs. My twin sister and I were sleeping in our bedroom, which was on the second floor.”

I suck in a breath. Hertwin?

“Drago got hurt during the blast, but still managed to get to us, even with the fire raging all around,” Tara continues, her voice shaking. “He couldn’t carry us both at the same time, though. I remember I was screaming, which is probably why he took me out first. Then, he went back inside for Dina.”