Page 63 of Silent Lies

I put the bowl on the table and dip the kitchen towel into the water. Drago reaches to take the cloth from my hand, but I pull it away.

“Stay still,” I mumble and step to stand between his legs. Gently, I begin to clean the blood off his face.

I start with his neck and then move to his chin. My hand is shaking, and the trembling only becomes worse as I get closer to the cut. The only other time I’ve seen this much blood was when Arturo cut his palm while filleting a fish a decade ago. I screamed and fainted.

Drago’s fingers wrap around my wrist, pulling my hand away from his face. “You don’t seem to be handling the sight of blood very well.”

I look into his questioning eyes. “I’m fine.”

“Your face is so pale, it’s turning green. Give me the towel.”

I grit my teeth. “No.”

His other hand comes to the small of my back, pulling me even closer until my lips are barely an inch from his. “Give me the fucking towel, Sienna.”

“No. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

“Why do you care?”

“I don’t,” I say, my lips touching his.

Keva bursts into the kitchen, carrying a box full of medical supplies. “How did you get that?” She slams the container on the table.

Drago lets go of my wrist. “Knife. Do you have a tetanus shot in there?”

“Do I look like an ER to you?” Keva snaps and leans in to look at his cheek. “That will need stitches. What happened?”

“I had a chat with my brother-in-law.”

“Arturo did that?” I gape at him in surprise. “Why?”

“A business disagreement.”

“Idiots,” Keva says as she sprays something on his cheek. “Sienna, there’s a sewing kit in there somewhere. Find it.”

“Shouldn’t he go to a hospital?” I turn and start rummaging through the supplies, acutely aware of Drago’s hand that is still at the small of my back, keeping me close.

“This one would rather die from blood loss than set foot in a hospital again.”

I pass the sewing kit to Keva, who is using gauze to clean Drago’s cut, and slant my eyes to the burn scar visible above the collar of his shirt. When I look up again, Keva is holding the sides of the gash together with two fingers while thrusting a curved needle through his skin, sewing it up right in front of my eyes. I place my shaking hand on Drago’s other cheek and hold my breath.

Keva is talking, but her words are muted as if someone has covered my ears. With a quick tug, she ties the thread and cuts it. “One more.”

There is a strange thumping sound at the back of my head. It’s as if my heart somehow moved there and is now beating at twice its normal rate.

Does it hurt? It must hurt even with the numbing spray. My brother did that? “I’m going to fucking kill him,” I whisper and brush the back of my hand down Drago’s other cheek.

The needle pierces my husband’s skin again. I want to look away but can’t lift my eyes. Keva pulls on the thread and Drago winces. It’s a minuscule movement of his jaw, but I feel the twitch under my palm. Everything before my eyes dissolves.


I hear Drago’s voice, but it’s far, far away.

“Sienna! Look at me, baby.” He’s yelling now, but his shouts have never been more distant.

All I can see is the white haze before me, but soon enough, it’s replaced with blackness.

Sienna’s eyes roll back, and I catch her as her body sags against mine.