Chapter Thirteen
In one month’s time, we’ve gotten a lot of work done on the shop, including sourcing some local, organic herbs. I decided not to make lotions and soaps myself, but I will carry a few items from a local woman who makes amazing body care products. I want to focus on supplying herbs, tea blends, and some spices.
I have an hour before I need to start dinner, so I pull out my cards hoping to get another hit on the vision that got me to come to Tempest to begin with. The one where I knew I had to come to save William’s life.
With incense, I walk a circle around the room, calling to the guardians to protect the space. I light candles and sit in the middle of the circle, my hand hovering over my deck while I center myself.
I get out my crow oracle deck, not tarot as William likes to call them. The cards come fast and furious, forming a pattern of a triangle. With each card, the message grows clearer. There is a power in Tempest that can help William, but it can only be accessed by me. I have to stay here, near him, to ensure his safety.
My heart races and I feel the truth of the message. I can’t leave William now, not if I want him to be safe. I can’t let him face this alone. It’s the only way I can protect him.
But protect him from what?
My mind races with possibilities as I sit in the candlelight trying to make sense of my vision. I had assumed that once I found him, my intuition would give me another piece of the puzzle. Everything still feels so nebulous. The only thing I know is I must stay.
For now.
I hear William’s truck, so I close the circle and look out back where he parked. He’s unloading lumber and glass, for what I don’t know, so I go outside to meet him.
It’s a lovely spring day, everything fresh and new. If I were thinking long-term, I would be planting flowers right now. But I can’t be sure William would have time to care for them after I leave.
“Hey there,” he says, looking up at me with a smile that makes my heart flutter.
“Hey,” I respond, feeling my cheeks flush. “You’re home early.”
He nods, “Yeah, I helped a guy take down a greenhouse today and he’s letting me keep the glass. A friend of mine is going to help me pour a cement foundation for it next week.”
“A greenhouse?” I ask before I’m swept into a heady kiss. God this man can kiss. I still can’t believe he’s the same stodgy dude I met last month.
“I figured you’d want to grow some of your own herbs. You were saying finding local organic was harder than you thought. You can grow them here and dry them yourself.”
I’m touched that he remembered. I press into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and deepening the kiss. His hands delve into my hair, making a mess of it. I can feel his cock hardening against my hip and I moan into his mouth.
“Let’s go inside,” he whispers, breaking the kiss and looking down at me with a sly smile.
“Wait.” I’m still confused. “You’re building me a greenhouse?”
He paws the hair out of my face. “Keep up, will you? Yes. I’m building you a greenhouse. I want you to have everything you need for your shop.”
My heart swells. I’d never had someone care for me like this before. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
“William,” I say, my throat tightening as I fight tears.