“What about her?”
“She was at the bookstore. She brought Cressida some herbs for pregnancy. Is Maisy on the level? She seems nice, but I’m leery of my woman drinking something sketchy.”
“If Maisy says it’s okay, I would trust her.” And it occurs to me that I would. “Cress having problems?”
“No. She’s just trying to be as healthy as possible. So you believe all the herb stuff?”
“Yeah, I do. Maisy is knowledgeable, and I’d trust her judgment.” Warmth fills my chest when I realize I’mproudof her.
Dillon’s expression relays that I either said that out loud or it’s written all over my face. “She’s young,” he says. “Younger than Cress even. And you’re older than I am.”
I stare at the coffee in my hand. “I know.”
“Do you think...”
“There’s not much thinking involved, Dillon.” Unless it’s thinking about being balls deep inside her. I spend plenty of time thinking about that.
“You’re moving kind of fast,” he comes back with.
“Seriously? Get the fuck out of here. You knocked up Cressida the day after you met her. Max gave Cherry an entire bookstore on their first date. I’m just having a good time.”
If I don’t look too close, that’s all it is.
“She lives with you.”
“She’s staying in my guest room.” Sort of. She keeps her clothes in the guest room anyway.
As if called from her psychic hotline, Maisy pops in at this moment with a stack of books. “Hi guys!”
“Maisy,” Dillon says, taking the stack from her and putting them on the counter. “Looks like you finished your shopping.”
“Cressida just sold me a bunch of books I can’t afford. I’m going to have to start selling pictures of my feet on the internet to pay all my bills this month.”
“I don’t think so,” I say. I’m the only asshole who gets to worship her feet. I peruse her books. Herbs, spells, and something about commerce. “Commerce, huh? Diversifying your interests?”
She shrugs. “I’m more than just my OnlyFans page.” The smirk she gives me is pure trouble. I hope she understands the glower I give her back.
Dillon notices my grim expression and chuckles. “I like your housekeeper, William.”
I liked her a lot better before she made me wonder if she really has an OnlyFans page or not. The idea of her sharing explicit pictures of herself with the world makes me ache. I want to keep her all to myself.
But it’s also hot as fuck.
Dillon makes his excuses to leave, and I lock the door behind him. Maisy hums as she runs her hand over the counter and walks behind it. “You were thinking of me when you were sanding this. I saw the vision the other day.”
No sense in denying it. She’s psychic after all.
I’m keyed up from the possibility that she might really be some kind of cam girl to pay the bills. And the surge of hormones that goes with those thoughts only has one place to go.
Inside Maisy. I need back inside.
I get behind her and push my erection against her ass. Then I push her over the counter and place her hands on the opposite edge so she’s bent completely over and holding the edge. “You don’t let go.”
She immediately complies. “Yes, Daddy.”
I push her skirt up so her ass is exposed. Her panties are a pretty blue lace. I rip them the fuck off and she shrieks.
“Daddy didn’t like hearing you talk about exposing yourself to strangers online.” I run my fingers over her exposed skin, teasing her. “Nobody else gets to see you unlessDaddyexposes you. Would you like that? Like it if someone looked in the window and saw you bent over the counter taking Daddy’s cock?”