Nick’s hand touched my stomach and my pussy.
Feeling exhausted and still a little tipsy, I fell asleep in minutes.
Iwaited until they were both asleep before I carefully removed my hand from Eve’s body and slipped out of bed.
Once I found some clothes, I carried them down to my office and got dressed there.
I had work to do and things to check in on.
When my phone powered on and I saw how many messages there were, I wanted to throw it against the wall. I had been feeling incredibly relaxed from a fun day—and evening.
And now real life was going to throw a bucket of ice water on the whole thing.
“What’s going on?” I said as soon as Frank answered.
“We’ve got a situation.”
I let out a loud huff. “There’s always a fucking situation. What’s going on now?”
“Another punk nosing around,” Frank said and now I really wanted to throw my phone.
“Then look after it. Christ, what the hell do I pay you people for?” I yelled into the phone.
“He says he knows you.”
“What do you mean?”
“He said you’re dating his sister.”
For the loveof all that was holy.
I’d had to go down to the warehouse and check this out.
And sure enough if it wasn’t that little jackass, tied to a fucking chair.
I wanted to strangle him.
“This him?” I asked, jerking my head toward Asher, pretending I didn’t know him from Adam.
“Yeah, boss. He said you two are practically related,” Frank said, rushing up to me. “Do you want us to get rid of him?” His eyes lit up with the prospect.
“I’m going to deal with him myself. You guys go on home,” I said, rolling up my sleeves and grabbing one of the knives off the wooden crate to my left.
“You sure you don’t want no help?” one of the other guys asked, coming up to stand with us.
I shook my head. “Nope. I’m in a mood tonight. I don’t like getting called out of a warm bed,” I said, testing the sharpness of the knife against my thumb.
“Ha, ha, ha.” Frank laughed like a machine gun. “We got ya, boss.”
They turned to go toward the doors. “Incidentally, what was he doing?”
Frank swung around and said, “Oh, he broke into your office on Rochester Street. Caught him taking pictures of some files up there.”
My blood ran cold.