Seeing her come out of the elevator with that old guy had done me in.
I wanted to shoot him directly in the face and watch his brains splatter all over the lobby floor. Especially when he kissed her and discretely handed her a tip—likely for a job well done.
Fucking crazy.
I saw red, and I wanted it to be his blood dripping down his face as I stabbed him in the eyes.
How I controlled myself I’d never know.
I was much calmer now, with Eve sleeping in my arms in her bed.
Don’t get me wrong, I was still going to hurt the guy who’d fucked her tonight—but at least now Eve and I were on the same page. She hadn’t gone running off when I’d told her she was mine.
Not that she had a choice in the matter.
I wasn’t going to give her up.
Even if she’d just finished blowing some gray haired guy a few hours ago.
She was mine.
“Is it ‘Bring your whore to work’ day or something? Because I didn’t get the memo,” Chester—my right-hand man at this office—said snidely as he slid into the chair in front of my desk.
I cleared my throat. “I know you’re trying to be funny. But you aren’t,” I said, knowing exactly whom he was referencing.
He laughed, holding his fat gut with both hands.
When I didn’t join in, he finally stopped. “Oh, come on, Nick. We all saw you guys kissing in the elevator. You weren’t exactly trying to hide it.”
That part was true. I did sneak one more kiss before the doors opened—but I hadn’t expected to be completely unable to let Eve go.
Anyone in the front entranceway saw us in an embrace.
“You’ll be respectful of Eve. I don’t care what you think of her, I don’t need to know,” I said quite matter of fact.
He frowned at me and sat up in the chair. “You can’t be serious? She’s here for more than a day?” he asked incredulously.
“She’s a permanent fixture. For as long as she wants.” I announced, setting my pen down and weaving my fingers together. I was just waiting for him to spurt out some kind of bullshit and give me an excuse to crack him right in the nose. “Do you have a problem with that?”
Chester stared at me for a minute before he frowned again. “And what exactly do I put her down as on the payroll?”
I shook my head and picked my pen back up. “I don’t care. Consulting?” I said, writing an amount down on a piece of paper. “See to it she gets that every Friday.” I pushed the paper across my desk to him.
He picked it up and his eyebrows shot right up the ceiling. “You’re sure about this?” he asked, looking at me over the top of his glasses.
“Deadly,” I said, opening a file and getting back to work.
Chester lingered around for a moment before catching the hint and leaving.
Near lunchtime, I texted Eve and told her I had a special lunch planned for her in my office. “Yay, can’t wait!” she’d texted back, making me grin like a fool.
I was intending on feeding her, but it wasn’t going to be food.
A short time later, I heard a small knock on my door. “Come in,” I yelled toward the door, and quickly shoved all the papers back into the file.