Once they let me in, I looked around the dark interior until I saw a bright light. In front of that light, I could make out someone sitting in a chair with a few of my guys standing around.
“Is this what I pay you for?” I asked, making their heads turn to me.
The man in the chair was tied up, duct tape across his mouth.
“This is the third guy we’ve caught in as many days, boss. Nosing around where he don’t belong,” my guy said, nodding toward their hostage. “All of ‘ems Castaneda’s,” he said, wiping his nose on his arm.
On both counts.
I’d already figured out this one was from Castaneda’s camp. If there was one thing I was good at sniffing out, it was his followers.
I meandered over to the tied up man and ripped off his duct tape, making him shout. I nearly laughed out loud. “Why are you snooping around. Did someone send you?” I asked, dropping the piece of duct tape on the dusty floor.
“No, no, I swear, man! I just got lost. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any harm,” he said with terror in his eyes.
The other thing I could sniff out was bullshit.
And this guy was covered in it.
I grabbed a handful of hair on the back of his head and jerked it back. “I’m going to ask you one more time,” I said in a dead serious voice. He let out another yelp. I loved the control I had over him right now. Even if I hated the reason for it. “Think hard. Why were you snooping around my turf? And I want the right answer this time.”
“I wasn’t, I went out for a walk and got lost, that’s it!” the guy screamed when I yanked his head harder.
“Wrong answer, asshole,” I said, shoving his head so hard, his chair tipped over. “Get rid of him. And send a message this time,” I told my guys in no uncertain terms.
They knew what that meant.
I turned to go, and I’d almost made it to the door before one of them said, “Boss, don’t you think we should have a meeting about this? Something’s going on.”
I did not want to do that.
I wanted to get over to Eve’s place. Now.
“Call Mario. Get him to do some listening and let me know what he says,” I said over my shoulder. “I’m late, I don’t have time for this right now.”
With that, I slammed the door and strode to my car.
Just as I was slipping inside, I heard the single gunshot.
“I don’t knowwhat’s for supper! Would you give me a minute to answer the door?” I heard Eve shout. I smiled and let out a short laugh.
I had the answer to her next problem.
When the door swung open, her jaw dropped. “Nick, what are you—”
“Oh, yes, thank you!” Rachel shouted from across the room, running in our direction. “I’m starving and there’s no food in the house. Again.”
Eve frowned at her sister and said, “There is so, you just need to be—inventive.”
Rachel rolled her eyes and divested me of the two bags in my arms. “I refuse to eat mushroom soup for supper again this week.” She peered briefly at me and nearly smiled. Then she raced off toward the kitchen.
“Why are you here?” Eve asked in a hushed tone for only me to hear.
I so wanted to lean down and kiss her. After I’d left here, my day was complete shit. All I wanted to do was eat and spend the evening with her.