Page 5 of Unusual Noises

“The guys came up to help us carry our bags,” Lulee announced like she didn’t know exactly what Verity was asking.

Not one to hide behind politeness, Verity asked, “What’s he doing here?”

“Saint’s going with us,” Lulee answered. “Figured the more, the merrier, right?”

Verity shook her head. “You lied to me.” While she sounded pissed, she also sounded hurt, and I hated that.

“I didn’t lie,” Lulee hedged. “You never asked me who was going.”

Verity’s brows shot up. “Oh, so that’s how you’re playing this?”


“Forget it, Lulee,” she bit out. “I’ll pay you back for the room.”

We stood in silence as Verity made her way back into her bedroom, and in all honesty, I had expected worse. Even without Verity’s hate for me fueling her, no one liked to be blindsided, something I had tried to warn these two about.

“Let me go talk to her,” Lulee quickly rushed out.

“Better you than me,” Cree harrumphed.

Lulee rolled her eyes. “It’ll be fine. Just give me a second.”

We watched Lulee take off after Verity, and once she was out of sight, Cree said, “Well, we might as well sit down and get comfortable. I imagine this might take a while.”

Chapter 4


Ihad to take a deep breath and calm my crazy. Deep in my heart, I knew that Lulee hadn’t planned this trip with malicious intent, but I still felt hurt that she’d felt like this ambush had been the better choice, rather than just talking to me about her plans.

The door to my bedroom flew open, Lulee rushing inside, her hands held up in mock surrender. “I know you’re upset-”

“You think?” I stopped pacing to face her. “What the hell, Lulee?”

She let out a heavy sigh as she shut my bedroom door for some privacy. “It’s just…c’mon, Verity…”

“What?” I asked. “C’mon, Verity, what?”

“You’re just so…whenever I try to talk to you about Saint, you get…feral,” she muttered.

My eyes bugged.“Feral?”

“Yes,” she clipped through her pursed lips.“Feral.”

The problem was that I had genuinely liked Saint. When we’d first been introduced, I’d been immediately attracted to him, but since I wasn’t a five-stage clinger, I’d left it alone when he’d shown no signs of interest.

So, when he had finally asked me out, my hopes had been high. I’d been so…so damnwilling. Had the date not ended up a disaster, I would have ridden that boy until the sun came up. I would have bared it all, chucking self-respect out the window. However, thinking about him now, disappointment swam deep. However, the worst part about it was that I was still very much attracted to the jerk.

That’swhat my problem was.

There was a small, sad, pathetic part of me that wanted to give Saint a second chance, and that’s why I refused to talk about him whenever Lulee brought him up. Not only did I not want to be that dumb girl that ignored the red flags, but we were also scheduled to graduate in a couple of months. What would be the point in starting something serious now? Sure, I could do casual, but something told me that nothing would be casual if it involved Saint Hendrix.

Lulee sat down on the edge of my bed. “This is our last spring break together, Verity,” she sighed. “I just wanted to be able to spend it with my boyfriend and best friend. Cree had been hoping to be able to do the same.”

I let out a dark chuckle. “Oh, that’s great. I get to be the asshole.”

“C’mon, that’s not how I meant it, and you know it,” she chided softly. “It just…it would have been nice to be able to spend our last hurrah together.”