Page 52 of Unusual Noises

His eyes glanced around the shed. “Is anyone else in here?” he asked, though it was clear to see that there wasn’t.

“No,” I answered. “However, there’s someone in the kitchen storage room, tied up. Donovan Clark, and he’s the one that needs to be arrested.”

He put his gun back in his holster as he walked further into the room. “Is she alive?”

“Yes, but she needs help,” I repeated. “She needs an ambulancenow.”

“Have you moved her?”

I shook my head as I stood up and stepped out of the way. “No. We didn’t want to make things worse.”

He shot me a look. “We?”

“My girlfriend, Verity,” I clarified. “She went to go get a blanket.”

He gave me a terse nod. “Is she the short brunette with the blood all over her?” I nodded. “She’s out front,” he informed me. “She was with another gentleman when we showed up.”

“Sarah really needs help,” I said again. “Can we talk about everything else after she gets some help?”

His face softened before he spoke into his radio. “I need EMTs in here.” He glanced around. “The maintenance shed past the lobby.”

Not a minute later, two EMTs were coming through the door, and both the officer and I got out of their way as they both knelt next to Sarah.

“Can you tell me anything about her injuries?” one of them asked.

“Only that she’s been raped, and obviously beaten,” I answered. “We didn’t want to move her too much in case we made things worse.”

“I’ll go grab the stretcher,” the second paramedic announced.

“Uhm…” Both men looked over at me. “Can you…can you be extra careful with her? He really hurt her.”

The guy kneeling next to Sarah said, “We promise.”

“Is she your girlfriend?” the other one asked.

I shook my head. “No, but…but she deserves all the extra care that she can get after what that animal did to her,” I replied. “No woman deserves to be treated like that.”

Before either of them could say anything more, another officer appeared at the door. “Want to come with me?”

I looked around the room. “Me?” I asked, pointing at myself.

“Yeah, you,” he replied, jerking his head sideways for me to join him.

Even though I knew that I might get in trouble, I couldn’t leave without promising Sarah all the lies in the world. So, kneeling down next to the paramedic, I pushed her hair back gently again, and said, “Everything’s going to be okay, Sarah. These men are going to take really good care of you, okay? It’s all over. You’re safe now.”


Standing up, I followed the other officer out of the shed, saying nothing as he led me back to the front of the resort where Cree and Verity were waiting, Lulee no longer in Cree’s arms.

Looking around, there were two ambulances and three squad cars. I had no doubt that more would be showing up soon, and now that they were all here, I had no idea what to do next. Did I comfort Verity, or did I do my best to support Cree? Did I go back and collect all our stuff, or was I going to have to leave everything as part of the crime scene? Were we going to be able to go home, or were we going to spend the night at the police station?

Before my thoughts could spiral even further down the rabbit hole, two more EMTs were heading our way, and that’s when I remembered that Cree had been shot. How in the fuck I could have forgotten that, I had no idea. Granted, now that the adrenaline was wearing off, we were probably all going to be a fucking mess.

As soon as I saw the other EMTs making their way towards Cree, I jogged over, and when his brown eyes met mine, the look in them nearly did me in, and I understood why he looked so fucking haunted. Lulee was no longer in his arms, all hope officially lost.

Before the EMTs could take Cree away, I asked, “Where is she?”

He jerked his head over a little, and that’s when I saw the outline of Lulee’s body underneath a white sheet. The sight hit me hard, and if the sight was enough to nearly knock me on my knees, I couldn’t imagine what it was doing to Cree.