Page 46 of Unusual Noises

“Who are you sick fuckers?” Lulee cried out.

Donovan aimed his gun in her direction as Verity collected herself. Granted, he couldn’t get a good aim because Cree was standing in front of Lulee, but Cree wasn’t bulletproof, either.

Marilyn Clark stepped closer into the room. “We’re the people that God has called upon to rid the world of trash like you. The morally corrupt that are ruining this world.”

Fuck, they were fanatics.

Richard shook his head solemnly. “What about them two?”

I immediately pulled Verity back, securing her behind me when I realized that Richard was talking about us, and not Cree and Lulee.

“Like I explained to Donovan, we’re just going to have to ask God for some patience, understanding, and forgiveness come Sunday,” Marilyn answered. “Truly regretful.”

“What in the fuck are you talking about?” Cree snapped.

Marilyn sighed when she looked over his way. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this, young man,” she told him. “I hope that you can believe that. You and these two were supposed to live.”

“Oh, God,” Verity choked out brokenly.

“I don’t understand. What in the hell are you talking about?” Cree asked again.

“We do more than just help couples reconnect here at Amity Expectations,” Richard said, and he sounded like he was being earnest. “We also rid the world of the trash that is leading this world down the path to Hell.”

“And what makes you qualified to judge?” Lulee bit out, and she really needed to just shut the hell up. These people were fucking crazy.

“The cameras,” Verity whispered behind me.

That had Richard Clark smiling in a way that made him look truly insane. “Very good, Ms. Mercer.”

“Cameras? What cameras?” Lulee screeched.

“They have cameras in the rooms,” Verity answered, the flatness in her voice worrying me.

“Upon meeting you, it was easy to see that you were all fine people, apart from that one there,” Marilyn said, gesturing over towards Lulee. Then looking back over to me and Verity, she added, “Of course, while I don’t approve of some of the ways that you two conducted yourselves in the cabin, it’s easy to see that you truly love and respect each other.”

“God, please…” Verity whispered.

“However,”Marilyn stressed primly, “it was nothing compared to what the others had engaged in. Imagine forcing your gentleman to engage in such sinful antics? I mean, really.”

I stood rooted in my spot as I realized that these nutjobs weren’t going to let Lulee live. They weren’t going to let her live, and there was no way that Cree wasn’t going to die for her.

Chapter 26


Even though I’d already thrown up everywhere, I still felt sick to my stomach. The Clarks were fucking crazy, and there was no way that they were going to let us leave here alive. With both Trevor and Kevin lying lifeless on the floor, there was no way that they were going to leave any witnesses.

There was also the fact that we had no idea if Marilyn or Richard were armed, too. Donovan’s gun was displayed proudly in his hands, and while I didn’t know much about guns, Donovan looked confident as hell as he aimed it at us.

Marilyn let out a heavy sigh. “While we didn’t want it to end this way, we will make sure that you don’t suffer.” I looked around Saint’s back and could see that she was talking about us. “Only those that are deserving will suffer.”

Before any of us could say anything, Richard was bending down, a serrated blade in his hand, and he was slicing Kevin down the middle. “Women are meant to be cherished,” he remarked conversationally. “They are not meant to be passed around like whores.”

“You sick fucker!” Lulee screamed as I cupped my mouth, on the verge of vomiting again. “You’re all sick!”

“You’re the sick one,” Marilyn fired back as Richard calmly went about gutting Kevin like he’d done to Trevor. “Having relations in front of other people and emasculating your partner because you don’t know your place.”

“You’re not going to get away with this,” Saint said. “You can’t possibly think that you can.”