Page 36 of Unusual Noises

“What did Trevor say?” I asked, looking up at Saint really quickly.

“Nothing. He didn’t answer.”

That wasn’t good.

“Could…could they have left together?” I asked tentatively, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

Kevin shook his head. “I know what you guys must think of my relationship with Sarah, but you’re wrong about her ever leaving me. We give each other something that’s not easily found with someone else, so there’s no way that Sarah would take off with another guy.”

“Maybe she didn’t take off,” I suggested. “Maybe she’s just somewhere with him again.”

Kevin shook his head. “I ran into Richard Clark right after Sarah went to make her phone call,” he said. “He mentioned Trevor changing his mind and leaving after all.” He let out a worried sigh. “Something about deciding not to get too comfortable or something like that.”

“Could she have gotten lost?” Saint asked. “Like walked further down the street than she meant to?”

“Maybe,” Kevin muttered. “I mean, we’re not exactly country folk.”

“We need to call the Clarks,” I announced. “If anyone can help us or call for help, it’d be them, right?” I looked between Cree, Lulee, and Kevin. “I mean, you guys did try calling her, yeah?”

“First thing that we all did,” Lulee answered. “There’s no service here.”

“Okay, let’s call the Clarks and have them help us look for her,” Cree said. “After that, we can go from there.”

I felt Saint’s hands land on my shoulders. “Okay, Kevin can call them while the rest of us get dressed to look around.”

“We can-”

“No fucking way you’re going to help us,” Saint said, cutting me off. “I’m not chancing it.”

I turned around to face him. “I’m not going to just stay back while someone is missing, Saint,” I told him. “We need to find her.”

“And if we lose you and Lulee, too?”

“What if we lose one ofyouguys?” I challenged.

“That’s different,” he snapped.

“Really? You’re going to pull the man card right now?”

“No, he’s right,” Kevin said. “Right, wrong, or indifferent, you and Lulee are women, and the last thing that we need is to lose one of you guys.” His blue eyes softened. “You can stay back with Marilyn and call the police or whoever for help.”

“Yeah, I’m not letting Lulee go anywhere,” Cree announced. “Sorry, but that’s just not a chance that I’m willing to take.”

While I didn’t agree with it, I knew that Sarah was the priority here. The guys needed to focus on finding her and not worrying about us, and I needed to remember that. This wasn’t a time for a moment of feminism.

“Okay, fine,” I relented. “We’ll make sure that Marilyn contacts the police.”

I felt Saint’s arms tighten around me. “Thanks, baby.”

“Well, the first thing that we’ll need is a map of the area,” Cree said. “Mr. Clark has to have one. We might even be able to get an actual picture of the place at his house. They said that they had internet there, right?”

I turned in Saint’s arms as I nodded. “Yeah, for emergencies.”

“Well, this is an emergency,” Lulee huffed, but I could tell that she was genuinely worried.

Because I couldn’t help myself, I said. “I’m going to go grab my phone and…and just try.”

I felt Saint kiss the top of my head. “Totally understandable.”