Page 25 of Unusual Noises

“We’ll see you guys for breakfast,” I promised as Saint took my hand in his.

“Hopefully not,” Lulee chuckled back. “If all goes well, we’ll all be sleeping in tomorrow.”

For whatever reason, that didn’t sit well with me. I pictured Richard, Marilyn, and Donovan getting up early to cook a breakfast big enough for almost ten people, and I didn’t like the idea of no one showing up and all that food going to waste.

I looked up at Saint. “Maybe we should leave a note for Marilyn, letting her know not to start cooking breakfast until we show up. What do you think?”

Saint gave me a terse nod. “I think that’s a good idea. I think I saw one of those complimentary pens and pads near the phone in the room. I’ll write a quick note, then walk over and slip it underneath the dining room door.”

The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. “Make sure not to get lost on your way back.”

Saint’s entire face softened. “Baby, not even an avalanche could stop me from making it back to our room.”

Yeah, I was going to sleep with Saint Hendrix tonight, and as God as my witness, he better be worth all the angst that I’d been feeling all these weeks later.

If not, I was probably going to lose my shit.

Chapter 15


As soon as we’d gotten back to the room, I had quickly scribbled out a note for the Clarks, not really wanting to leave the room, but doing it for Verity and because it’d been the right thing to do. While I was certain that the Clarks weren’t amateurs when dealing with hungover guests, a note wouldn’t hurt.

On my way back, I kept my head down, not wanting to witness anything that wasn’t my business, which, to be clear, anything happening in that jacuzzi was absolutely none of my business. While I considered myself openminded when it came to sex, swinging wasn’t one of the things in my wheelbarrow of adventure.

“Did you change your mind?”

I tried not to wince as Sarah’s voice called out to me, and I could only assume that she wasn’t a woman that was used to hearing the word no. Verity and I had made our disinterest very clear earlier when Kevin had been fingering her in the jacuzzi, but Sarah didn’t seem to care.

Not looking up, I just waved my arm over my head in acknowledgement. There was no fucking way in hell that Verity was going to open our cabin door to see me looking anywhere near the jacuzzi. Plus, I didn’t want to see Cree and Lulee doing anything that I couldn’t unsee. While I wanted nothing but for my best friend to be happy, if he was sharing Lulee, I couldn’t see that ending well.

As soon as I entered the cabin, I locked the door, even pulling on the knob to make sure that it was secured. I didn’t need a drunk Lulee barging into our room later on. Even if nothing was happening between me and Verity, I really wanted no part of that mess out there, and a drunk Lulee was unpredictable as hell.

As I walked into the cabin, I noticed Verity hanging up the last of her clothes. It felt intimate to see her clothes hanging in the closet, but that was probably just because of the way that I felt about her. Everything looked domestic, and all that was doing was getting my hopes up. Especially, after she’d already said that it was okay for me to sleep in the bed with her.

“How did it look out there?” she asked, but there was a glimmer of mirth in her eyes.

“I don’t know,” I answered. “I didn’t look.”

She let out a soft laugh. “I bet Sarah was disappointed.”

Even though I knew that she was teasing, I still felt the need to say, “I’m not interested in Sarah.”

Verity’s face softened. “I wasn’t accus-”

I threw my hand up to stop her. I didn’t want to fight. I also didn’t want any reminders of the fucked-up date that we’d had. I didn’t want to talk about other females. I didn’t want to talk about how they found me attractive or anything like that.

“It’s fine,” I lied.

Verity looked away, and all that did was make me feel like shit. I had no idea how I kept messing this up, but I did. I was always either saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing, and I was at a loss on how to talk to her about what I felt. As cold and arrogant as it sounded, I’d never had to work this hard for a girl before. Granted, I also hadn’t ever wanted a girl like I wanted Verity, so there was that.

“Saint-” She stopped, a strange look on her face.

“What is it?” I asked. “What’s wrong?”

“Do you hear that?”

I walked over to where she was standing by the bed. “Hear what?”