Page 24 of Unusual Noises

Then Sarah turned at the waist, dislodging Kevin’s lips off her, giving me and Saint a perfect view of her bared breast. Running her finger underneath her other bikini strap, Sarah tugged the material aside, flashing both those stunning breasts at us. She was leaning forward, her entire chest on full display as Kevin’s lips trailed over her shoulder, not caring that another man was looking at his girlfriend.

“But just imagine how much fun you could have in here with us,” Sarah cooed, and even though she kept inviting the both of us, I couldn’t help but remember all of those girls that had approached Saint during our disastrous date.

Saint’s arm tightened even more around my waist. “I’ve got all the fun that I can handle sitting on my lap,” Saint replied.

Kevin stopped kissing on Sarah long enough to ask, “And does Verity feel the same way?”

I felt Saint’s entire body freeze against me. “Excuse me?”

Kevin’s chin came up a bit. “Just, you know…the more, the merrier.”

However, before Saint could lose his shit, Lulee was crying out, “Oh, hell yeah!”

I looked over and Lulee was all smiles, another wine bottle in her hand. She also looked great in her bikini, though it covered up way more than Sarah’s did. Cree was walking behind her in a pair of boardshorts, looking just as great as Lulee.

“Glad to see not all of you are Marilyn Clarks,” Sarah smirked, turning back towards Kevin.

Cree shot us an uncomfortable look as Lulee headed straight towards the jacuzzi. Nevertheless, even though he might not be onboard with a free-for-all, I knew Cree well enough to know that he’d try anything once for Lulee.

“Oh, God…” Lulee moaned. “This feels great.”

“It sure does,” Sarah agreed, though it was probably Kevin’s lips back on her breast that she was referring to.

I felt Saint’s warm breath near my ear. “Baby, I don’t want to be out here for this. Do you?”

I shook my head. “Not in the least,” I whispered back. “But…do you think it’s cool to leave Lulee and Cree out here with them?”

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I just know that…well, nothing good can come out of this, Verity.”

I knew that Cree and Lulee were grown folks, but it still kind of felt like semi-abandonment. It wasn’t right to leave your friends in a situation that you felt sketchy about. While I had no doubt that Cree and Lulee would win in an ass kicking if the night went south, this entire ordeal was still giving me anxiety.

“I agree, but-”

My eyes widened as Kevin reached up to untie Sarah’s top, removing it altogether. When one of Kevin’s hands disappeared underneath the water, making Sarah moan, that was my cue to cut and run. I was not okay with watching other people have sex, and it was clear that Sarah and Kevin didn’t have any problem with that.

“Yeah, we’re done,” Saint announced, shifting in the seat.

“Yeah, not a problem,” I agreed.

We both stood up, and as soon as we did, Lulee asked, “Where are you guys going?”

“Inside,” Saint immediately answered. “It’s been a long day.”

“It’s not even eight o’clock,” Cree complained. “C’mon, man.”

Just then, Sarah stood up in the jacuzzi, Kevin’s lips finding her hip, and the look that she gave Saint had my teeth grinding. “Are you sure that we can’t convince you to join us?” I almost choked on my own tongue when one of Kevin’s hands slid up in between Sarah’s legs, his thumb automatically running back and forth over that micro scrap of material struggling to cover her modesty. “We’re all friends here.”

“No offense, but we’d rather turn in early,” Saint called back.

“Just a couple of more hours, Hendrix,” Cree said, trying again. “It’s way too early, man.”

“We’re good,” Saint repeated. “We’re going inside.”

“You’re no fun,” Lulee whined. “Guaranteed you’ll guys will have a better time out here with us.”

“Doubtful,” I muttered.

“Maybe next time,” Saint lied.