Page 18 of Unusual Noises

“Good to know,” I muttered, Verity nodding in agreement.

As we approached the dining table, you could see that the table was large enough to seat only twelve, which made sense since there were only five cabins on site. The other two chairs had to be for Marilyn and her husband, though I could be wrong. There could also be extra seating for the sake of personal space.

“Hey, there,” the woman greeted as Lulee pulled out the chair right across from her.

“Hi,” Lulee greeted back as Cree sat down next to her, right across from the guy.

Instead of sitting next to the other couple or looking weird by sitting away from everyone, I pulled the seat next to Lulee out for Verity, and once I got her settled in, I took the seat next to her. I had no idea where Marilyn and her husband were going to sit, but there were two chairs at the opposite ends of the table, so maybe they sat there as the hosts.

“I’m Sarah Raskins, and this is my boyfriend, Kevin Meyers,” the redhead said, introducing the two of them.

“I’m Lulee Fable, and this is my boyfriend, Cree Edmond,” Lulee said, responding in kind. “And that’s Verity Mercer and Saint Hendrix. Verity’s my best friend, and Saint’s Cree’s best friend, so it works out perfectly for us.”

“Oh, isn’t that cute,” Sarah replied, though she didn’t sound condescending about it. She sounded like she really thought that it was cute.

“Well, to get the boring stuff out of the way, I’m an investment banker, and Sarah’s a bartender.”

“I’m also an influencer,” she added, and I tried not to wince. While I had nothing against how people made their money, I just had a hard time getting behind that influencing nonsense. “I’m the face and voice of the bar that I work at.”

Now, it was easy to believe that Sarah worked at a bar, and that Kevin worked as an investment banker. He looked trusting with this solid frame, blonde hair, and blue eyes. I couldn’t tell how tall he was because he was sitting down, but I’d guess around six-foot-even or so.

As for Sarah, she looked like shewouldbe a bartender and/or influencer. She seemed petite sitting next to Kevin, so I’d take her to be around five-foot-three or so, taller than Verity, but not as tall as Lulee. She also had dark red hair, an auburn shade of brown. Paired with her green eyes, she looked like a classic redhead. It was also easy to see that she had a store-bought figure, even sitting down. She was wearing a tight tank-top that’d been sewn to showcase a pair of breasts that were just a bit too big for her frame. I wasn’t sure why women always thought big tits were the key to being worshipped, because they weren’t. At least, not for me. While I had nothing against what women did to make themselves feel more confident, only about twenty percent of the male population like that fake, overdone look. Well, at least according to the guys that I hung out with. While guys might want to fuck big tits and a fat ass, if you paid attention, you’d see that they settled down with the exact opposite.

“Oh, great,” Marilyn gushed as she came waltzing into the room. “You’ve all met.”

“We have,” Kevin replied, smiling at the woman.

Just then, a man that looked to be around Marilyn’s age walked into the room behind her, and my guess was that this man had to be her husband. When he stopped to stand next to her, they looked like your average middle-aged couple. My guess was that they were somewhere in their mid-fifties, though I couldn’t be sure. He also looked to be about six-foot-even, like Kevin, his wife standing short next to him. They looked like they belonged together, though he looked fit enough while she was soft.

“This is my husband, Richard Clark,” Marilyn said, introducing him. “He’s the muscle of this place, always taking care of the property.”

“It’s good to meet you all,” he greeted, smiling. “Marilyn’s told me so much about you guys, and we hope that your week with us is a good time for you all.”

“I’m sure that it will be,” Lulee replied happily.

“Well, tonight’s dinner will be a simple combination of hamburgers and fries,” Marilyn announced. “If you’ve read the site’s stipulations and practices, then you’ll know that we are meat-friendly here. If you’re a vegetarian or on a special diet, the only alternative are the vending machines located to the left as you enter the dining hall. Now, because we don’t take special requests, that is one of the reasons that we strongly urge visitors to utilize the kitchens in their rooms.”

“We’re fine with hamburgers,” Cree said, speaking for the four of us.

“Oh, we’re also fine with them,” Kevin quickly added.

“Well, I’m watching my figure,” Sarah announced. “So, can you just make mine plain? None of those fattening condiments?”

Marilyn had that strange smile on her face again, and I was beginning to wonder about it. “Of course, we can make it plain for you,” she answered, her voice sounding…strained, maybe?

Before I could give it any additional thought, a guy walked in from the side door, and it didn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that this must be their son. He looked just like Richard with his dark brown hair and hazel eyes. When he went to go stand next to his father, you could see that they were also the exact same height. He also looked like he worked out. Granted, it was probably hard to maintain this place with just the three of them, so it’d make sense that both Richard and his son would be in shape.

“Oh, this is our son, Donovan,” Marilyn said proudly. “We couldn’t run this place without him.”

“Mom,” Donovan drawled out, but he waved to us as he did it.

“Oh, stop it,” she chuckled. “It’s true.”

Ignoring her, he looked back over the table. “It’s nice to meet you all.”

“I’m Lulee,” Lulee replied. “And this is Cree, Verity, and Saint.” We all waved back at him.

“I’m Sarah, and this is Kevin,” Sarah said, introducing themselves to him as well.