Page 8 of Unusual Noises

When they finally emerged from the restroom, Verity kept ignoring me as Lulee rolled her eyes at me. “You guys are too much sometimes.”

While I loved Lulee to death, she wasn’t shy about her female independence. I knew that it drove Cree a little bit crazy when she was feeling particularly independent, but he also loved her just the way that she was. Even if she were willing to change for him, he’d never ask that of her.

“I’m just making sure that someone doesn’t run off with you two,” I drawled out.

Lulee snorted. “Someone would be stupid to try to kidnap us.”

“Yeah, that mouth of yours would definitely have them returning you within seconds,” I teased.

She grinned up at me. “Cree loves my mouth.”

“Okay, that’s enough,” I quickly rushed out. “I don’t need to know that shit.”

Unfortunately, I knew a lot more about Cree and Lulee’s sex life than I wanted to. While our apartment was spacious enough, like most homes and apartments these days, it’d been built with the cheapest materials by the lowest bidder. So, whenever Lulee spent the night, I wore earplugs, something that I’d started to do early in their relationship. If it wasn’t enough that the walls were thin, along with her independent personality, Lulee also wasn’t shy about…well, privacy wasn’t needed whenever she wanted Cree to handle her needs. I wouldn’t necessarily say that she was into voyeurism, but Lulee didn’t mind it much if they were overheard.

The first and only time that I’d brought up the subject, Cree had admitted to having to get used to her hedonistic ways. It was hard to be protective of someone that didn’t see the need. Most men weren’t into sharing their women in any way, shape, or form, but Cree didn’t have much of a choice if he wanted to keep Lulee happy. Plus, it wasn’t like there was an issue with trust. Luleewantedpeople to know how satisfied Cree kept her, and he considered that a huge plus.

As soon as we approached the car, Cree was closing the cap on the gas tank, the car all filled up. “We ready?” he asked.

Lulee grinned at him. “And we even managed not to get kidnapped.”

Cree chuckled. “Good to know.”

Reaching out, I grabbed Verity’s hand, and she looked positively stunned when I pulled her closer to me. Ignoring her dumbfounded expression, I looked over at Cree. “Give us a few minutes, yeah?” Cree glanced over at Lulee, and I could see that they both looked concerned. “Just a sec.”

Thankfully, Cree and Lulee got in the vehicle without making shit more awkward, and that’s when I pulled Verity with me towards the back of the car.

As soon as we were near the back, Verity yanked her hand out of mine. “What are you doing?”

“I just want to talk to you about something really quick.”


“When…when Lulee spoke to you in the room, did she mention anything about the retreat?”

Her brows quickly furrowed. “What do you mean? Like…where it’s at, or-”

I shook my head. “About…” I put my hands on my hips as I let out a deep breath.

“What is it, Saint? What’s going on?”

“Did she tell you anything about the retreat?” I repeated.

“Well, when she first invited me, she said that it was in the middle of the woods or something like that,” she finally answered. “When I mentioned how corny the name was, she said that Amity Expectations was in reference to the peaceful surroundings.” Verity shook her head. “In all honesty, I hadn’t been all that interested in Lulee’s pitch of the place.”

“Verity, it’s a couples’ retreat,” I finally told her. “The name of the place isn’t in reference to its surroundings. It was supposedly named for its purpose, and that’s for couples to reconnect or just have a romantic getaway.”

“A couples’ retreat?” she echoed.

“Yeah, a couples’ retreat.”

She didn’t say anything for a bit, and if she thought that was the worst of it, it wasn’t. Even if Amity Expectations was for couples, there were still plenty of other things that we could do separately.

“Okay,” she finally said. “Well…that’s-”

“There’s more, Verity,” I admitted, interrupting her.

“More?” I nodded. “Okay, what?”