Page 51 of Unusual Noises

I looked over at Saint, and his eyes shot upward, and I knew that he was looking to God for the answers. He was doing his best to be strong for all of us, and I wondered how much it was costing him personally. He was a victim, too. He’d also lost Lulee. He’d also had to witness Kevin Meyers being gutted by Richard Clark. He’d also had to witness his best friend getting shot. Saint was just as affected and as traumatized as the rest of us, but you’d never know it by looking at him. He was doing his best to hold us all up, and there was no way that I was not going to marry someone this good.

“Shh,” he told her. “We just need you to focus on staying strong until help gets here.”

Unable to help myself, I grabbed her left hand as gently as I could. “What can we do, Sarah?” I asked her stupidly. “Do…do you want some water?”

“Mm…” she gurgled, and I hated how she was suffering. While we might not be friends, she was a human being. She was a human being, and despite my opinion of her open relationship with Kevin, the fact that her first words were to ask for him said a lot.

Saint looked over at me. “I’m going to go find her some water,” he said. “I’m also going to check on…that other thing.”

I nodded, knowing that he was referring to Donovan. I hadn’t been paying close enough attention to him and Saint to know just how hard Saint had knocked him out, but I knew that he was probably awake right now. Yeah, he was tied up, and Saint had left the gun out front with Cree, but I wasn’t going to feel better until Donovan Clark was behind bars for life.

As soon as Saint left, Sarah turned her head, and it took everything in me not to cry out for her suffering. Every blood vessel in her eyes had popped, her green gaze looking lost and hopeless. She had knots forming on her forehead and cheekbone, and her nose looked broken.

Gently brushing her hair back like Saint had done, I could see Donovan’s fingerprints circling her throat. Or maybe they belonged to Richard or Marilyn. Just because I’d seen Donovan raping her, that didn’t mean that she had suffered at only his hands. While I couldn’t see Marilyn allowing Richard to fornicate with another woman, he still could have beaten her just to teach her a lesson.

“You’re going to be okay,” I semi-lied. I wanted to believe that she was going to be fine, but I didn’t know Sarah Raskins, the person. How could I possibly know if she was going to be able to survive this or not? Would Kevin’s death be too much for her? What if the trauma ends up being too much for her, and she kills herself years from now? I had absolutely no fucking idea if she was going to be okay, and it’d been a stupid platitude to say.

“Dead,” she mouthed.

“Marilyn and Richard are dead,” I told her, hoping that the news helped some. “Donovan is still alive, but Saint took care of him.” I ran my thumb across the back of her hand as gently as possible, wanting nothing more than to comfort her. “He’ll be going to prison for the rest of his life, Sarah. There’s no way that he’s going to get away with this.” I could feel the pressure behind my eyes again. “He’ll never be able to hurt anyone ever again.”

Her green eyes just stared at me blankly, but that was because we both knew who she’d been referring to, and by purposely not mentioning Kevin, I’d just told her the truth about him. Yeah, the Clarks might have left her with a broken body, but I had just broken her heart.

Sarah knew.

Before I could hurt her any further, Saint came rushing back into the room. I moved out of the way as he kneeled on his knees before her. Tears began to slide down my face as I watched him push more of her hair back, that simple act of compassion doing me in.

I should have kept my goddamn mouth shut.

“Small sips, okay?” he said quietly. “I need you to take really small sips, Sarah.”

Saint tipped the bottle of water against her lips, measuring the release with incredible care. My heart ached so much for Sarah because I knew that she wanted nothing more than to have it be Kevin kneeling next to her and not Saint. Even through all the hell that Donovan had put her through, the miracle that Sarah needed to get through this was Kevin. I knew that because Cree was still cradling Lulee’s body in his arms, and it didn’t matter that she was gone.

I bit my lower lip when Saint looked over at me. His brows furrowed, clearly worried about me, but instead of asking me what was wrong, he said, “Donovan’s awake, but I made sure to tie him to one of the shelve studs. He can’t get loose.”

“Should I call the police again?” I asked, needing to do something.

Understanding dawned in his soft brown eyes. “Sure, baby,” he replied sweetly. “Keep calling them if you need to.”

“Are you sure she’s not cold?” I asked, my voice breaking. “I don’t want her to be cold.”

I wasn’t sure if I was going into emotional shock now that I was no longer fighting for my life, but I felt like if I didn’t do something soon, I would never find the strength to get up off this floor.

Eyeing me carefully, Saint said, “Go check on Cree, then you can go grab a blanket from our room.” He was talking to me like I was about to lose my mind, and maybe I was. “You can bring it back for her, so she’ll be warm.”

Standing up, almost on autopilot, I nodded. “Okay.”

Walking out, I went to go check on Cree, and that’s when I saw the flashing red and blue lights.

Chapter 29



I looked up to see an officer standing in the doorway, his gun drawn. I quickly threw my hands up in the air, showing that I wasn’t armed or dangerous or stupid.

“She needs help,” I told him.