Page 49 of Unusual Noises

Pulling out my phone, I saw that the screen was cracked, but it still came to life. Looking over at Verity, I asked, “Do you have your phone on you?” She nodded. “Dial 911. I’m going to step outside and call them, too. We should be able to get through to them, even with spotty service.” However, before stepping outside, I grabbed the gun to take it with me. While I didn’t like leaving them unprotected, there was self-defense, and then there was cold-blooded murder. I was not letting Verity go to prison for murdering Donovan Clark.

As soon as I stepped outside, I dialed emergency services, and when the lady’s voice came across loud and clear, I almost dropped to my fucking knees.

“911,” she answered routinely. “What’s your emergency?”

“I need help at Amity Expectations Resort,” I said, doing my best to sound as calmly as possible. “The…the family that runs this place has killed three people.”

“Someone’s been killed, you say?”

I knew that her job was to get as much information as possible, but it was fucking stupid to question people in the middle of a crisis. As far as I was concerned, they only needed to know where we were and if we were still in danger.

“Just bring the police,” I snapped. “It’s the Amity Expectations Resort.”

Hanging up on her, I walked back into the storage room to hear Verity saying the same thing that I’d said on the phone. She sounded more angry than scared, but still out of control.

“The Amity Expectations Resort,” she spat. “Just call the fucking police and bring an ambulance.” When she hung up, she looked over at me. “Now what?”

I looked over at Cree and Lulee, and I had to be moving on autopilot, because I had no idea how I was even thinking clearly when my best friend was falling apart over the dead girl in his arms. However, Lulee had been my friend, too.

Kneeling down before Cree, I said, “You have to give her to me, man.” He tightened his arms around her, his head shaking back and forth vehemently. “Cree, we need to get out of this room. We need to be out front for when the police arrive.”

“No,” he snapped. “I’m not letting her go.”

“Cree, we need to get her out of here,” I repeated softly. “We need to get you both out of here.”

“I’m fine,” he lied. The physical pain that he was experiencing had to be excruciating. Granted, it probably wasn’t anything compared to his emotional and mental pain right now, but we couldn’t leave him here like this.

“I promise to take good care of her, Cree” I told him. “I won’t let anything more happen to her.”

Cree’s arms wrapped even tighter around her, and when his brown eyes finally looked up at me, the pain reflected in them nearly did me in. “She’s dead,” he choked out. “He killed her, Saint.”

I could hear Verity’s tears behind me, and a part of me wanted to let her kill Donovan. A part of me wanted to let Cree do it. Nevertheless, no one in this room was smarter than forensics, and the last thing that I wanted was for my girl or best friend to be sitting in prison while trying to heal. We were going to need each other more than ever once we got out of here, and that’d be impossible if I let either of them killed a man that no longer posed a threat.

Doing my best to tamp down my own feelings about losing Lulee, I said, “I know, man.”

“He fucking killed her,” he repeated. “I…what am I supposed to do now?”

“You give her to me, so that you can sit with her while we wait for help,” I answered. “You hold her underneath the nighttime sky, and not in here. Not in here, surrounded by evil, Cree.”

Cree started crying, breaking down in a way that I knew was killing him. Verity’s sobs joined Cree’s painful cries, and it was all that I could do not to join them. My chest ached for both my girl and my best friend, and it was becoming a struggle not to just shoot Donovan Clark myself, and fuck prison.

Finally, Cree’s arms dropped from around Lulee’s body, and as soon as I picked her up, Verity was right there, helping Cree get to his feet. There was no way that he was going to be able to walk on his own, not with his knee obliterated the way that it was.

“Use us both to support your weight,” I told him.

“What about Donovan?” Verity asked. “What if he wakes up?”

“Wait right here,” I instructed.

Not waiting for them to answer, I walked into the dining area, then placed Lulee’s body carefully on the table. Grabbing a chair, I went back into the storage room, then helped Cree sit down. As soon as he sat, I handed him the gun, then started untying the rope around Kevin’s feet. Richard really had dragged him back here like a dead animal, and now that my adrenaline was no longer blinding me, Kevin’s gutted form was harder to look at now.

After untying him, I practically wrapped Donovan’s entire body up in the rope. Even if he woke up, there was no way that he’d be able to get free. I had him hog-tied, and even attached the remaining slack to Trevor’s body. The extra body weight would definitely be another hinderance.

Standing up, confident that Donovan couldn’t get free, I looked back over at Cree and Verity. “I know that it’s going to hurt like a bitch, but I’m going to pull you in the chair, Cree,” I told him. “I don’t see why we can’t all wait in the dining room for the cops to get here.”

“I can call again and let them know where we’ll be,” Verity suggested.

Cree gave me a terse nod. “No, yeah,” he sighed. “I…I don’t know how far I can make it.”