Page 48 of Unusual Noises

“Richard!” Marilyn cried, standing up to try and help her husband. “Oh, God!”

Looking around, I saw an old skillet pan on the bottom shelf, and grabbing it, I ran up behind Marilyn, then swung that sonofabitch with every ounce of strength in my body. I cracked her up against the back of her head, and when she went down, I went down with her.

Leaving Richard Clark to bleed out, I straddled Marilyn Clark’s body, then bashed her head in with the skillet until brain matter started coating my face and clothing.

“Mari…Mar…” Richard gargled, and like an asylum patient out of control, I jumped up off Marilyn’s remains, then started swinging the skillet at Richard.


Ignoring Saint, all I could think about was how I knew that Lulee was dead. Lulee was dead, and Cree might never walk again, and nothing mattered but making these people pay for the lives that they destroyed tonight. Not to mention all the lives that they had destroyed before us.


I swung one more time, jamming the bottle deeper into Richard’s neck, and when I felt Saint’s arms wrap around me, that’s when I finally dropped the skillet. However, when Richard fell back to the floor, I broke away from Saint just in time to stomp on his head three times before Saint was pulling me back again.

“Baby, that’s enough,” Saint snapped, trying to pull me back before I lost myself completely.

Shaking my head, I looked over to see Donovan knocked out cold, and that just threw me into another panic. He needed to be dead. These people needed to be dead. After everything that they’d done over the years, they needed to be dead.


I turned to see Cree crawling his way towards Lulee’s body, and a wave of emotion hit me hard enough to make me stagger. Pulling myself free from Saint again, I ran over towards Donovan’s body, and I just started kicking him anywhere that my foot would land, wanting him dead with a desire that I’d never imagined myself capable of.

“Verity!” Saint yelled, pulling me back again. “Stop it!”

“No!” I yelled back brokenly, fighting against him. “He killed Lulee!”

I felt Saint pick me up, then practically throw me to the side, stepping in front of Donovan. “We need him alive,” Saint said, but I didn’t want to hear it.

“No, we don’t!”

“Yes, we do!” he argued. “He’s the only one that can bring the other families before us closure!”

Fuck the other families,I thought. Who was going to bringusclosure?

Chapter 27


Verity was out of control, and the damage was going to take years to heal.

If it ever did.

When Lulee had cracked Richard in the face, it’d been the perfect distraction to fight back. However, I hadn’t anticipated that Donovan would get a shot off before I could get to him. Even though I’d known that we were fucked, I still hadn’t believed that one of us would die. When Donovan had shot Lulee, everything had changed. No longer seated in reality, it was a miracle that I hadn’t beaten him to death. Wrestling with the gun had been my biggest concern, trusting that I could get us out of here if I could just get the gun away from Donovan. I hadn’t expected Verity to go off the rails like she’d had. I would have expected it from Lulee, but not Verity.

Knowing for a fact that Marilyn and Richard Clark were dead, I grabbed Verity by the shoulders. “Baby, I need you to calm down,” I told her. “Breathe for me, Verity.”

Her blue eyes were wild with adrenaline and fear, and while I wasn’t concerned anymore, adrenalin was still coursing violently through my veins. This nightmare was still far from over, and while I should run down to the street for reception to call the police, I loathed leaving Verity and Cree with Lulee’s lifeless body, Cree’s cries breaking my fucking heart.

“Kill him,” Verity demanded. “Kill him or I will.”

While I wanted nothing more than to kill Donovan Clark, I wasn’t so far gone that I couldn’t see the bigger picture here. They’d been killing people for years, and only Donovan Clark was able to give the other families closure. Who had actually gotten lost in the trees, and who had been murdered by the hands of these religious zealots?

“The other families deserve to know what really happened here, Verity,” I said carefully.

“Get help,” Cree begged. “Go get help. She might…we need to get her help.”

That snapped both me and Verity out of our own heads. Looking over at Cree cradling Lulee in his arms, I knew that she was dead, but this wasn’t about facts for Cree right now. We had all failed to protect Lulee, and so there was nothing left to do but pray for a miracle.