Page 28 of Unusual Noises

When his head came back down to look at me, he said, “I’ve wanted you for two fucking years, Verity. I need you to understand that.”

“Saint, I-”

He threw his hand up to shut me up. “Fortwofucking years, Verity.” I could feel the blood in my veins turning hot. “If you think that I’m going to go easy on you, you’re wrong, baby.”

“I don’t want easy,” I told him, though I wasn’t even sure if that was true. I had no idea what Saint was like in bed, so it was quite possible that I was biting off more than I could chew.

Saint started taking slow, measured steps my way, and I could feel my heart threatening to beat out of my chest. Blood was rushing through my ears, but there was no denying that my body was eager with excitement. If the rumors on campus about Saint were true, then I was about to get my entire world rocked and rocked unforgivingly.

When Saint was finally standing in front of me, his whiskey-colored eyes were burning searing heat right through me. I’d never had a man look at me like that before, and it was a heady feeling. I could barely catch my breath with how intense his gaze was.

He reached up, then wrapped his large hand around the side of my neck. The warmth from his palm sent shivers down my spine, and I should be embarrassed by how turned on I was. He hadn’t even kissed me yet, and I could already feel myself beginning to pant like a dog in heat.

“Verity, are you sure?” he asked.

I nodded. “I’m sure.”

“I’m not talking about the sex,” he said. “I’m talking about what comes after the sex.”

His thumb was running back and forth over my jaw, and it was making it kind of hard to think. A simple touch, nothing sexual about it at all, but it was driving me insane with need. He sounded like he was ready to go to war, but his touch was as gentle as a butterfly’s wing.

“What…what do you…you mean?” I stammered, my body on fire.

“I’m not in this for a week of sex, Verity,” he said. “I’m not in this to go back to campus as just friends. I’m also not in this for us to go our separate ways after graduation.”

Okay,thatI wasn’t expecting.

“What are you saying?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

“Since I already have a job waiting for me at Lorax Engineering, my plan is to stay in California,” he said, and I already knew this. When he’d gotten the offer, Cree and Lulee had taken him out to celebrate. Apparently, they were starting him out with an employment package that was comparable to someone with a lot more experience.

“I know,” I told him. “Lulee told me about the job offer.”

His other hand came up until he was cupping my face with both hands. “While I’m not asking you to rearrange your entire future for me, Iamasking you not to give this thing between us an expiration date, Verity,” he said. “I’ve wasted enough time not having you as mine, I don’t want to go into this with you already counting down the days.”

“Saint, I barely made the decision to give you a second chance,” I replied honestly. “I really haven’t thought about anything after this week or the school year.”

His hands dropped from my face as he took a step back. “Yeah, no…if you need more time-”

“So, it’s all or nothing?” I mean, it really sounded like that’s what he was saying.

With those bedroom eyes staring straight at me, he nodded. “Yes.”

I wasn’t into making promises that I had no intention of keeping. I wasn’t into leading people on. I wasn’t into living in the moment without a real plan. Yeah, there’d been a few times in my life when I’d been a bit reckless, but I normally wasn’t like that.

Staring into Saint’s eyes, my mind reminded me that I didn’t have a plan after graduation. I hadn’t sent out any resumés yet, waiting until May to get the ball rolling on my future employment plans. While I was a hard worker, I couldn’t seeanycompany holding a job for over two months just for me. Plus, as spoiled as it sounded, I could always go work for my dad if I didn’t find something right away. Mercer Industries was a blessing that allowed me the time and opportunity to find the perfect job.

As for staying in California, I wasn’t opposed to it. While I wasn’t afraid to travel or relocate again, I had no concrete plans after graduation. I hadn’t committed to anything, but from what Saint was saying, he was asking me to commit to him, and we weren’t even a real couple yet. This was a second chance try, and what happened if we ended up not suiting one another?

Saint stepped to me again, his right hand back on my neck. “I’ll make you a deal,” he offered.


“If you don’t feel me deep in your soul once I get inside you, then I’ll give you some more time to come to terms with our relationship,” he posed. “But if you do feel me in everything that you are, then you follow me after graduation.”

Was it hot in here?

That was the thing with the world today; romance no longer existed. Men didn’t make comments like what Saint just said to me anymore. Life was all about social media likes and being the perfect ‘internet’ couple that it was absolutely unheard of for a man to declare himself anymore. If he was hot enough, and upped someone’s likes, then he wasn’t even required to try. Everything was so goddamn staged that it was impossible to know what was real and what wasn’t. I didn’t want a guy that said all the right things when our phones were out; I wanted a guy that said all the right things when it was just me and him. Now, while I had social media just like everyone else in the world, none of my posts were personal. Yeah, I might share a selfie or two, but my thoughts, feelings, and experiences were for my close friends and family only.