Page 22 of Unusual Noises

Because God was on my side tonight, Verity said, “Not tonight.”

“Oh, c’mon,” Lulee whined. “Don’t be a putz.”

“It’s been a long day, Lulee,” Verity replied. “If I get into that jacuzzi, then I’m going to fall asleep before my hair even gets wet.”

“You’re no fun,” Lulee complained.

“I’m plenty fun,” Verity huffed, but she was smiling, so I knew that it was just their regular banter.

“So, you guys are all friends, huh?” Sarah asked after Kevin handed her a drink, grabbing one for himself, too.

“Yeah, we are,” Cree answered.

“Well, that’s convenient,” Kevin remarked, but it didn’t sound snarky.

“So, why did you guys choose Amity Expectations for spring break?” Lulee asked.

“We’re both twenty-five,” Kevin answered. “We’re a little too old to party it up for spring break.”

“Why are you guys here?” Sarah asked.

“We all graduate this year, and we chose to spend our last vacation together before the real world gets in the way,” Lulee explained. “We’ve done the whole spring break thing, so we’re not missing much.”

“Well, I hope you guys aren’ttooopposed to partying,” Sarah said, throwing a wink our way.

“We’re not saints,” Lulee quipped, then laughed as she looked my way. “Well, he is.”

“Good,” Sarah said slyly. “It’d suck to play in the jacuzzi alone.”

For whatever reason, I didn’t like her teasing tone. While I wasn’t a prude, I was pretty sure that Sarah’s idea of ‘playing’ was very different from mine. She had enough skin on display to suggest that she wasn’t big on modesty, so I could only imagine what she had planned for tonight. Again, I was judging, but I was certain that I wasn’t wrong.

Saying fuck to it all, I stood up, went and grabbed another beer from our ice chest, then on my way back to my seat, I reached down, wrapped my arm around Verity’s waist, then hauled her up, carrying her with me back to my seat, dropping her on my lap as I sat us down.

“What are you doing?” she choked out, but she didn’t sound upset.

“I was getting lonely,” I smirked.

“I can see how being surrounded by four other people could do that,” she retorted.

“Baby, I could be surrounded by a million people, and I’d still seek you out,” I told her.

“Awe, isn’t that cute,” Sarah gushed. “I bet you go all out for Valentine’s Day and stuff like that, huh?”

“I don’t need Valentine’s Day to go all out for Verity,” I replied. “I do my best to appreciate Verity’s presence in my life every day.” While that was a total lie, that was the plan after we got back to campus. Even though I knew that it was easier said than done, my plan was to make sure that Verity didn’t ever regret giving me a second chance.

“Man, you’re making the rest of us look bad,” Kevin joked, but Sarah made it clear that she was perfectly happy cuddled up next to her boyfriend.

Looking back over at us, Sarah said, “Well, I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I’m very grateful to know thatMarilyn Clarktakes her happy ass back home at night. I mean, talk about a prude.”

“Right?” Lulee agreed. “She definitely has different ideas.”

“When Kevin and I showed up here earlier, the old bat started judging me as soon as she saw my outfit,” Sarah huffed. “She didn’t even have the excuse of her husband or son ogling me to start judging me. It’s like a girl can’t even be confident anymore.”

I tipped the bottle of beer to my lips to keep me from saying something stupid. While I thought confident women were sexy as hell, there was a difference between being confident and whatever it was that Sarah Raskins and Kevin Meyers were.

“Oh, she definitely is the judgmental type,” Lulee agreed.

“Uh, because you guys aren’t judging her in return?” Verity asked, and when people asked me on our wedding day when was it that I knew I was in love with my bride, I was going to remember this moment.