Page 17 of Unusual Noises

“I’m not denying it,” I told her. “I’m just not interested in him.”

“I bet with a name like Trevor-”

“Stop it,” I shrieked, laughing. “Behave yourself, Lulee Fable.”

The woman just grinned at me. “What’s the fun in that?”

“I bet that Cree had no idea what he was getting into when he first asked you out,” I chuckled. “Poor guy.”

“Well, it’s too late for him now,” she quipped. “We’re in this for the rest of our lives.”

“We’re going to attend dinner, right?”

Getting serious, Lulee nodded. “I want to meet the other couple that’s staying here.”

“God, I know I’m sounding super judgey, but I hope they’re cool people,” I huffed dramatically. “I don’t want to be stuck inside the room, but I also don’t want to share the courtyard with two dingdongs, either.”

“Who’s a dingdong?”

We both turned to see Saint and Cree making their way into the gazebo. “We were just talking about meeting the new couple,” Lulee said, answering Cree.

“You’ve met them already?” Saint asked, taking a seat next to me on the gazebo bench, and I cursed those damn butterflies again.

“No, but I figured they’re going to have to be at dinner, right?” she replied. “I mean, unless they brought their own food, I guess.”

“Yeah, had I known that the rooms came with those crazy kitchens, I would have packed way differently,” I added.

“We definitely misjudged this place,” Cree said, making me smile because Saint and I felt the exact same way.

“See what you get for doubting me,” Lulee remarked smugly.

“Hey, don’t give yourself too much credit,” Saint retorted. “We just came from the beginning of a nature trail, and once the sun goes down, this place is going to look like every scary movie that I’ve ever seen.”

“Scared?” Lulee smirked.

“Hardly,” Saint smirked back.

“Well, looking at my watch, dinner will be in about half an hour,” Cree announced. “How about we finish unpacking, then wash up for dinner.” He leaned over to kiss Lulee on the side of her head. “Lulee and I will come knocking on your door when we’re ready.”

I nodded. “Sounds good.”

When Saint stood up, then reached his hand out to help me up, I didn’t argue or fight him. I hadn’t been lying when I’d told Lulee that I didn’t want to continue being mad at him. Saint was doing his best to put his best foot forward, and with his honesty still laying between us, I was beginning towantto give him a second chance, so that’s what I was going to do.

Once we got back to the room, we spent the next few minutes putting our stuff away, and I had even gone back to mess with the tub to see if it really did come with its own bubble bath, and it did. Holy Jesus, it did. So, after learning that, Saint and I had inspected the room some more, and I had no idea how this small family business could afford such high-tech shit, but everything was definitely state-of-the-art at this retreat.

Now it was time for dinner and introductions to our fellow vacationers.

Chapter 11


Everything was going better than I had expected, and I was feeling almost tense with how much I didn’t want to fuck this up. Verity and I were making progress, and I refused to lose any ground with her. I wanted that girl to be in love with me by the time that this trip was over, and I was going to do everything that I could think of to make that happen.

So, upon escorting her into the dining hall, I could see that the other couple were already seated, and even though Verity had nothing to worry about, there was no way that I was going to give the woman any more attention than I needed to.


I turned to see what Verity was talking about, and to the right was a set of double doors that led into a room furnished with two snack vending machines, a coffee bar, and a refrigerated vending machine. The damn snack room looked just as fancy as the rooms.